Untitled – IOTW Report


29 Comments on Untitled

  1. I live in a free-kill, baby murdering state, where these infants would have been destroyed as inconveniences to their mothers and evidence of pedophilia thar must be destroyed without even notifying the child’s parents.

    They said today on the radio that abortion is the #1 single-issue voter concern, and recent votes in OH, VA, and elsewhere would seem to bear that out.

    Chicks love to kill rheir babies.

  2. I have to be honest here. While the preservation of life is of utmost importance, the procreation of life just seems a cruel joke on the newborn. Born into a world that )if he survives the pressure on the mother to render him to pieces in the womb) wants to poison him, mutilate him, destroy him body, mind, and soul for no reason other that political power, what life will he have?

    Put another, and far better, way, there’s a episode of the Lord’s journey down the Via Dolorosa in Luke where the women of Jerusalem have turned out to weep over the savage persecution our Lord was suffering for us as he staggered under the weight of our sins to Calvary. Despite his agony, despite his suffering, despite the torture he knew was yet to come, he turned to them and said;

    “28 But Jesus turning unto them said, Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children.

    29 For, behold, the days are coming, in the which they shall say, Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bare, and the paps which never gave suck.

    30 Then shall they begin to say to the mountains, Fall on us; and to the hills, Cover us.

    31 For if they do these things in a green tree, what shall be done in the dry?”
    Luke 23:28-31

    …this world is too far fallen in sin to be recovered by the feeble hand of Man. Indeed, Man has turned it into a global Gomorrah that the righteous, like Lot, are unable to turn it aside as they are too few and the wicked are too powerful.

    Indeed, as it was then only the hand of the Lord could deliver the righteous and smite the wicked, so it is now that only the Hand of the Divine can cast the wicked down from their stolen thrones.

    …if a life is conceived. it is precious to the Lord, and must be defended until it can come to a knowledge of His Saving Grace.

    But in this time, on this world, it seems to be sentencing a child to a life of torment at the hands of the wicked for the pleasure of satan to conceive a life in the first place.

    …I know, life goes on, and with it hope.

    But again I turn to the words of the Lord Himself;

    “…weep not for me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children.”

    …I cannot help but wonder if this is not that of which He speaks.

    And marvel at why, in His Divine Wisdom, he continues to create life in the wombs of both the just and unjust alike, knowing with perfect knowledge of the cruelties it will face.

    But then, He sent His own Son to the womb of a woman for the express purpose of suffering and dying at the hands of charlatans in the sin-stuck world of two millenia ago.

    Only He knows His purpose.

    Bur I still cannot help but feel that every conceived child today will be nothing but a sacrifice to Baal tomorrow,

    A sacrifice they intend to take as quickly as humanly possible.

  3. I found out the other day that my oldest daughter is pregnant with their 3rd child due to be born next July. She was surprised that I knew that before no one told me because I figured that out since her and my son-in-law had just gone away couple of months ago for a few days to celebrate their 10th anniversary that was what they were doing. I was young once and remember sex and time away from the kids. He or she will have 2 older sisters who are looking forward to having a new baby brother or sister.

  4. “They said today on the radio that abortion is the #1 single-issue voter concern, and recent votes in OH, VA, and elsewhere would seem to bear that out.”

    If you honestly believe an issue was shot down in August overwhelmingly in OH was then overwhelmingly approved in November by an honest count, you believe Brandon got 81 million votes on an honest count.

  5. formwiz
    WEDNESDAY, 29 NOVEMBER 2023, 9:06 AT 9:06 AM

    “If you honestly believe an issue was shot down in August overwhelmingly in OH was then overwhelmingly approved in November by an honest count, you believe Brandon got 81 million votes on an honest count.”

    …I live and vote in Ohio, so I know whereof I speak. The reason you may be confused is that they WANTED everyone confused.

    There were TWO Ohio Issue 1s, in TWO different elections that were NOT the same thing, but would have opposite effects on enshrining abortion.

    The FIRST Issue 1 was to change the way Ohio Constitutional amendments were passed, from a simple majority and a plurality of counties to a 2/3rds majority and all 88 counties. This was NOT about abortion but WAS about abortion, because both sides KNEW the point was to make it so Cincinnati, Cleveland, and Columbus couldn’t disenfranchise the rest of the state by their sheer Communist populations. A YES vote FOR Issue 1 would adopt the chnge and make it HARDER to adopt abortion as a Constitutional Amendment. Both sides did ads saying abortion was at stake, and, since chicks love to kill their babies, it FAILED.


    …the NEXT election ALSO featured an Ohio Issue 1, but THIS time a YES vote passed a Constitutional amendment that made anytime abortion enshrined in Constitutional law, but ALSO removed parental consent from abortions to the relief of pedophiles statewide.
    Notice that a YES vote on THIS Issue 1 has the OPPOSITE effect of a YES vote on the PREVIOUS Issue 1.

    …anyway, they sufficiently
    scared women (although the heartbeat bill did that too) that they would not be able to kill their babies, so the People’s Republics of Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, and Toledo passed it over the objections of the rest of the state (which is what the PREVIOUS Issue 1 would have PREVENTED), and the rest is history, making Ohio a mecca of abortion tourism and a convenient place to get rid of the most damning evidence of pedophilia and incestuous rape, no questions asked, enshrined in Constitutional law.

    …as much as I’d like to believe it was Domimion or Soros or the Man From Gad behind it, I know those cities and, unfortunately, have no trouble believing the vote I. this particular case.

    Chicks love to kill their babies.

    Until THAT changes, there will be no legal way to stop it.

  6. I’m thankful I live in a no-kill baby state.

    Friends of my kids have a baby now who was born at 29 weeks. Although he was small and had to have help breathing, regulating his temperature and a feeding tube, he’s been a wide eyed little boy all along from every photo I’ve seen of him. He’s down to just a small percentage of oxygen and starting on a bottle although he he’s still over a month from his due date, which is the target date for him to get to leave the hospital.

  7. Every child is a miracle, just ask my 6 grandkids. 4 granddaughters, 1 grandson and one in the oven to be born next July. One 7 year-old, the next 0ne 6, 2 at 4 and my grandson is 2 and the spitting image of my son, Holden is a little blonde-haired, blue-eyed ball of endless energy just like my son was.

  8. Old Racist White Woman
    WEDNESDAY, 29 NOVEMBER 2023, 9:53 AT 9:53 AM

    …may the Lord bless and strengthen that littlest one, let him grow tall and straight and unafraid, and place him beyond the powers of the prince of this world and the minions of his that would visit their evil upon him.

    And may the Lord bless and strengthen his parents, it is quite challenging to raise any infant and a premature one much more so. May he pace beside then on those sleepless nights, calm their fears for his every breath with His Comforter, let them feel His presence beside their child at all times as He guides it to life as his Ultimate Physician, and inspire them to turn always to Him with their own and their child’s needs.

    And may the Lord bless you as you lend your prayer and moral support to them, ORWW. In these darkening times sometimes the most difficult thing of all is to care for another whose healing is beyond you. Bless you for being unafraid to care.

    God Bless

  9. geoff the aardvark
    WEDNESDAY, 29 NOVEMBER 2023, 10:01 AT 10:01 AM

    And may the Lord bless you and yours, Geoff, protect and strengthen those you love against the gathering storm and protect your wisdom for them for many years to come, and give them an ear to hear it.

    God Bless,

  10. Tony R WEDNESDAY, 29 NOVEMBER 2023, 8:41 AT 8:41 AM
    Thread Winner!

    Still, it seems to have gotten dusty and allergies kicked in on the videos. Over thirty-six years ago my twins came to us two and a half months premature. Was ify back then, but now an eye doc and nurse practitioner (brag brag). With one grand daughter…

  11. I worked with a young man who was a twin born prematurely, who’s lungs were not ready for life as tends to be the case with male preemies (his fraternal twin sister did not have this problem), but a shot of surfactant and lots of care and he grew into a strong and intelligent, capable young man.

    Where we start doesn’t matter.

    When we end doesn’t matter.

    It’s what we do with the time in between that makes us who we are.

    And all life is worthy of being given the best chance to live, to love, to learn and grow, and to define itself before the Lord.

  12. My grandparents, great grandparents, and great great grandparents are all buried together in the same plot in a very old cemetery. I notice in many family plots a marker saying baby boy or baby girl, born and died the same day. I’m always saddened a little even it did happen 200 years ago.


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