Denver Democrat Mayor’s Car is Stolen – IOTW Report

Denver Democrat Mayor’s Car is Stolen

Good. It’s not even the first time.


He’s the Denver mayor—and a Denver crime victim. The office of Mayor Mike Johnston on Tuesday disclosed that his car was stolen from his Denver neighborhood on Oct. 28 and has since been recovered. Fox31 reports the car was taken around 6am and found 10 hours later in neighboring Aurora. The office did not share whether anyone has been arrested or if the car was damaged, and police are not detailing the type of car or where it was taken so as “to protect the safety of Mayor Johnston and his family.”

He posted on social media on Jan. 1, 2017, that his car had been stolen from an Office Depot parking lot. 


20 Comments on Denver Democrat Mayor’s Car is Stolen

  1. If ANY elected or appointed official is given consideration by LEO or the legal system charges anyone with anything more than any other criminal was charged with everyone involved should be removed from their job, stripped of any accrued benefits, thrown in jail for ten years and barred from ever serving as an Officer of the Court and or holding any job whatsoever with any legal firm. That applies to everyone from intern on up to the Police Chief and those positions that have any official roll in the legal system, no matter how tangential.

  2. Living in the suburbs of Denver, my only response is AHAHAHAHAH

    Denver is overcrowded with leftists, and I mean them literally. I live outside of the city limits and cringe every year when the elections come in. You get what you vote for.

    … speaking of ‘carry permit’ … there’s good news in Merryland tonight

    The problem is they already stole millions of dollars. The people who got fucked should be made whole.

    I quit MD before this shit happened, but I remember my Uncle telling me about all of this bullshit MD was doing (and I lived there for 41 years and know all about their nazi bullshit)…

    Anyway, fuck MD, their DMV, their flag, their governors, their constituents, their peers, their water, their crabs, their 7th District, their SMIBS, their State Troopers, their DOT, their schools…

  4. @Eric ~ you can denigrate Merryland all you want … I continue to do the same

    but, Dammit! don’t EVER denigrate our crabs!!! … & Old Bay … throughout the whole USA never had better

    btw, us SMIB’s are basically gone … we’re barely hanging on amidst the animal infiltration into Waldorf & Lexington Park. we’re migrating to the Carolinas, FLA & GA … I’m thinking Tennessee, She Who Must Be Obeyed is casting glances to FLA

  5. I was on my Triumph Bonneville out on Berry Rd coming home. I saw the State Trooper sitting in a lawn chair with a radar gun, on the other side of the road… I downshifted, throttled harshly, and screamed something bad. He became twisted in his chair and fell down the khud. I hope he broke his fucking neck. I bet he doesn’t tell that story. He’d rather tell stories about how he was a big-dick-crime stopping moron.

    MD and Vaginga cops are puke.

  6. The 7th District SMIBs? Fuck’s sake. They’d rather fight than fuck.

    Jason was proud the cops beat his ass. I’ll never understand these motherfuckers. They threw themselves into ass beaten confrontations.

    I guess I’m a SMIB, too.

  7. @Eric ~ I hear that they’re thinking of changing the Merryland Motto – ‘The Old Line State’ to either ‘Bureaucracy of DC’ … or ‘Cradle of Graft’

    … it’s a toss-up … the debate is furious

    btw, I still dig the flag … the only state that has a proper heraldic banner.
    quick quiz … what goes in the canton, or upper left quadrant? the Lord Baltimore colors? … or the Calvert Cross?

    I still love seeing how many state government buildings hang the dang thing upside down


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