California to spend $300 million to clear homeless encampments  – IOTW Report

California to spend $300 million to clear homeless encampments 

KTLA: California will set aside approximately $300 million for local jurisdictions statewide to help clear homeless encampments, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Monday.

About half of the grants will be used to prioritize clearing encampments near “state right-of-way, helping to make sure the state’s highways remain safe and secure for everyone,” a news release said.

“Since day one, combatting homelessness has been a top priority. Encampments are not safe for the people living in them or for community members around them. The state is giving locals hundreds of millions of dollars to move people into housing and clean up these persistent and dangerous encampments. And we are doing the same on state land, having removed 5,679 encampments since 2021,” Newsom said in a statement. more

24 Comments on California to spend $300 million to clear homeless encampments 

  1. $300 million likely includes funds for relocation to other states.
    Think of garbage scows dumping trash offshore to save on landfill costs. Thanks CA, you built this

  2. The question is….Remove the people and move them to where? They tried it in our little town and found out that not only did the locals revolt about it…the homeless didn’t want to live in the our rural area. The few ‘homeless’ that they dumped on our doorstep, left the area shortly. 😎

    It is a bigger problem than just “cleaning up the area” and relocating the problem.

  3. defecRATz just pushing a problem that THEY created off to somewhere else. In other words, California democRATs are using the Overtaxed-payer dollares to EXPORT grief, chaos and mahem on a wholesale basis!!

  4. “state right-of-way, helping to make sure the state’s highways remain safe and secure for everyone,” a news release said.

    …but Antifa and BLM deliberately blocking highways and attacking people is still ok.

  5. Used to be that you could place the homeless (mentally deficit) into a state mental hospital. As of about 40 years ago, the DildoCrats made sure you can’t do that no mo’.
    Thx a lot fer nuttin’, DildoCrats.

  6. Down the hill in the once great town of Chico the process is known as “Whack-A-Mole”. The city is required to give a seven day notice that they are going to clear an area (required due to a lawsuit). The dirtbags get all their garbage cleaned up and move across the road or down the street. There are open shelter beds but, they don’t want to go. They cannot get high or drunk there.

  7. Seems a bit pointless without addressing the root cause. What are they going to do with the homeless? I see it like me cleaning my garage on a nice spring weekend. I move everything out onto the driveway then, after sweeping up all the sawdust, I end up moving everything right back in.

  8. Irate Nate,

    When I held the Estate Sale for my brother’s belongings, I decided to empty out my bedroom closet, library, and storage closet. Made some good money and now I have plenty of room! I decided to not leave a lot of crap for my siblings to sort through like I had to do with my brothers. It was hard, but I told myself if I hadn’t used it in three years, I didn’t need it!


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