70 Year-Old Woman Gives Birth to Twins – IOTW Report

70 Year-Old Woman Gives Birth to Twins


It may not be the record for the oldest woman to give birth, but it’s in the conversation. A 70-year-old woman in Uganda gave birth to twins after having IVF treatment, reports the BBC. “We’ve achieved the extraordinary—delivering twins to Africa’s oldest mother aged 70!” the Women’s Hospital International and Fertility Centre in Kampala wrote on social media. Safina Namukwaya had a boy and a girl via caesarean, and the hospital says all three are doing well, per the Messenger.


26 Comments on 70 Year-Old Woman Gives Birth to Twins

  1. Why?
    God gave women a biological clock, women need to use it. lol

    I need to add misogynistic to my name. I was told I was that because I made a half joke, that things would be better if we could go back to pre-1920, that was the real downhill slide giving women the right to vote. Once upon a time I would have argued how I could hate myself, but honestly I do hate women, they do stupid shit like this.

  2. I have 1 single grandbaby whom I adore and love to have come over one day a week and an overnight every now and then. I love the time with her but I am also so glad when I get to send her back. And I’m only 58! Twins at 70….no thanks

  3. @Old Racist White Woman
    I was once told that I was a traitor to women, by a lesbian, no less!
    We indeed do have a female problem, there are too many infected with the woke virus.

  4. Mother nature already has the perfect mechanism to address everything. When your body is unhealthy reproduction is not possible. When you are past a proper age to raise children, the process ceases naturally. IVF has meant that those who mother nature would otherwise have prevented from passing on their genes are now capable, thus weakening the gene pool and the species. Likely these children will be motherless in short order. Quite likely orphans as well. As a scientist by education and employment, I can wholeheartedly say that just because something can be done doesn’t mean it should be done. IVF is absolutely one of those things.

  5. @ Agatha Kakalogical
    Women started the me too movement, women have fought to kill their babies, women raised these girly men, women can’t ever keep their mouths shut, where there’s drama women started it, 99% of the time it’s a woman wanting to cut off their son’s privates to make him a girl, 95% of the time you put a woman in a position of power and she screws everything up. There’s really not a reason to like a majority of women.

    However, thanks to women there really isn’t many men left to like either. So I guess I’m an equal hater. lol

  6. Uganda just sold it’s soul to China since the World Bank will no longer do business with them, based on Uganda’s laws against homosexuality.
    Looks like China is growing it’s own next slave generation in Uganda.

  7. But ORWW, I thought to REALLY screw up, it requires a computer!

    (Forgive me, but I come from a family of very competent women – and men – which explains why I flirt with women so much. I always assume they know what they’re doing until they prove me wrong.)

  8. Ok, I get it. IVF for a 70 year old woman is crazy. Politics, money, social support for the children, and whatever else we can think of make this seem crazy. But…

    My mom lived to 93. Only the last two years were a struggle for her, but by then, the children would have been 21. I know. Not all people live that long, especially where she is from.

    So, unless we know everything about this, I will give her good wishes for a happy life and bless the children. I will pray that whatever evil some may plan for them is thwarted by God.

  9. @ General Malaise, I came from good women, so it’s not every woman, but I don’t think anyone can deny women are the most responsible for everything I said.

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