Hollywood Activist Killed by Homeless Woman During Home Invasion – IOTW Report

Hollywood Activist Killed by Homeless Woman During Home Invasion

abc news

The man fatally shot by an intruder in his Los Angeles home on Monday night has been identified as Hollywood social activist Michael Latt.

Latt, 33, was the founder and CEO of Lead With Love, an organization that works to support “influential women and artists of color,” according to his website.

A woman living in her car has been arrested for breaking into Latt’s apartment and fatally shooting him with a semi-automatic handgun, according to the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office.

The woman, 36-year-old Jameelah Elena Michl, has been charged with murder and burglary, the district attorney’s office said.

Michl allegedly targeted Latt’s home because she was stalking a woman who was friends with Latt, according to Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón.


28 Comments on Hollywood Activist Killed by Homeless Woman During Home Invasion

  1. Well, he died doing what he loved.

    Couldn’t help but notice the enemedia’s use of semiautomatic in describing the weapon. Perhaps muzzle loading 60 caliber rifles and blunderbuss makes you less dead…

  2. works to support “influential women and artists of color,” The woman, 36-year-old Jameelah Elena Michl. Latt was CEO of Lead With Love

    His attacker sounds black, and she didn’t feel the love. His bleeding heart liberalism was his demise.

  3. She was such a good girl as a kid.
    Wouldn’t hurt a fly.
    And she was turning her life around.
    Had her whole future ahead of her.
    I can’t believe she would do something like this!
    Nuh uh, she dindu it!

  4. The most pitiful thing about all this — besides the man being murdered, of course — is that the Left has painted itself into a corner with their intersectionality. The murderer has far too many social(ist) justice points to attack her for her villainy by her lunatic Leftist advocates.

    Far, far, far too many people roaming our streets who have severe mental illness and apparently no family members who are able or capable of taking care of them. Too many state laws protecting the rights of people with severely diminished capacity which hobble families from getting their loved ones help and finding lasting solutions for chronic mental illness. You’d think the “helping” industrial complex would be all over funneling money into mental illness solutions. What gives with that? I suppose there’s more to be skimmed out of “helping the homeless” than for putting the tiniest dent in treating the cause of homelessness.

  5. Just Curious Friday, 1 December 2023, 14:44 at 2:44 pm

    I wonder if he thinks Heaven practices identity politics too?

    Not that it matters where HE went…

    That’s what makes me try to walk the straight and narrow. Just so I don’t have to spend eternity with demons of both their ilk. Jesus is Lord and King!

  6. what is the pathology that drives white people to adopt all these toxic, violent, mentally unstable, impulse/feelings driven, drug addled psychopaths? oh well; they’re weeding out the ones we can’t count on anyway.

  7. Here’s the deal, Libtards see a person like the killer and thing, OMG you’re so fucked up. Behavior needs to be modified. Not hers, societies. We need to accept her they way she is! Boom, the bitch shot me.
    Conservatives see a person like the accused and think, OMG you’re so fucked up. Behavior needs to be modified. Hers. She needs to be institutionalized.
    That when Libtards call us Racist. Once again.

  8. So a white lesbo kills a white blm supporter because she thinks he was banging a black women she had a crush on. I’m confused, I thought that these types of people were full of love and incapable of hate or violence.


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