Manpons – IOTW Report


World’s first tampons for men are an ‘insult’ to women.

Company says that trans men might continue to experience menstrual cycles even while undergoing hormone treatment to change gender.


The world’s first tampons for men have been criticised by feminist campaigners as an “insult” to women who suffer period discrimination.

Vuokkoset, a Finnish company released the controversial new sanitary product earlier this month to coincide with Transgender Awareness week and International Men’s day.

The product comes in a dark blue box which bears the words “For Men” on one side, but then extends this phrase around the packaging so it eventually reads “For Menstruation”.

On another side of the packet it is stated that “periods are not a gender issue”.

Vuokkoset has said in a statement online that it launched the period product to “raise the issue of genderness of hygiene products and the anxiety related to menstruation in trans men”.

Trans men menstruate while undergoing hormone therapy 

The company says that trans men – females who identify as male – might continue to experience menstrual cycles even while undergoing hormone treatment to change gender or may choose not to have such therapy at all and so will still have periods.

They added that studies show that 93 per cent of trans men have experienced menstrual-related gender dysphoria – a sense of unease a person may have because of a mismatch between their biological sex and gender identity.

The face of the “For Men” tampons advertising campaign, Dakota Robin, a Finnish trans man and human rights activist, said: “By changing attitudes and broadening perspectives, we can also stamp out discrimination against gender minorities.

“The least anyone can do is to understand that periods do not define womanhood and understand the diversity behind them.”

‘Period shame part of sex-based inequality’ 

However, feminist groups and women’s health experts on Saturday lambasted Vuokkoset for separating the idea of being female from menstruation.

Anna Melamed, a midwifery lecturer, said: “For so many girls around the world period shame and a lack of period products is very much part of the sex-based inequality they experience.

“To make out that ‘periods are not a gender issue’ is a backward step for those of us trying to educate young people and quite frankly is an insult to the sexism girls and young women suffer every day because of their periods.”

Milli Hill, feminist writer and author of a bestselling book on female puberty titled My Period, said: “I would have no complaint if it was clear on the packaging that this product is for people who identify as trans men, but they are saying this product is specifically “for men”.

“I just think these companies need to stop changing the definition of words such as men and women to support a lie that people can change sex when biological sex is immutable.

Backlash against ‘trans-inclusive’ period products 

“It’s also interesting that the packaging on women’s period products is being desexed and neutralised and yet here we have a period product shouting about the fact that it’s ‘for men’.”

ht/ jd hasty

41 Comments on Manpons

  1. Let the freaks go broke buying manpons every month. Don’t forget to buy couple boxes of Monistat each month. Kinda curious where exactly are they sticking these things. Never mind no I’m not.

  2. For the tiny percentage of people that transgender, cut off their dicks, have a dick built or otherwise play pretentious gender games, the amount of attention attributed to them is phenomenal and obviously over played.

  3. It is and always has been progressives recognizing a vulnerable population and exploiting people with a serious mental health condition to advance their own agenda. Once they dropped the puck it was inevitable and expected that other sad cases who crave attention at any cost would enter a horse in that leg of the Intersectionality Derby. In the progressive pecking order it is all about being more fucked up than thou.

    We are living out where that leads to and it ain’t pretty. My one hope is that as the internecine struggles become more intense that enough of them realize they have been played and make like the Romanians and give the dirty motherfuckers running this shit show the Nicolae Ceaușescu treatment they so richly have coming.

  4. I am a dumb guy and I can’t figure this out. Please explain.

    Tampons were designed for women who bled during a menstrual cycle. Do these men bleed out of their peckers?

  5. PHenry – “… Do these men bleed out of their peckers?…”

    I know you’re not a dumb guy and that that was a rhetorical question, BUT, just in case, refer to the first comment by Pogo. 😉

  6. Uh! Not defending these fuktards but trans-men are women who have decided they are men… Uh they mostly still have functioning vaginas and ovaries and still menstruate. Just trying to clear the fog.

  7. helpful hints….

    1 read the article…..a “trans-man” is a woman pretending to be a man….who probbly WILL continue to menstruate, and therefore, need “feminine hygiene products…..but, since she’s now a man, considers “feminine hygiene” to be an deliberate insult, and actual violence….one of them took out their wrath on a bunch of kids and teachers in a memphis school not so long ago…..

    2 the gender AFTER the “trans” is the pretend gender….trans-woman is a man, trans-man is a woman…..

    hope this helps clear things up……. now lets talk about trans-human……:)

  8. second thought….if yer son thinks he might be a girl, why is the answer to give him estrogen? wouldn”t testosterone be more effective in making HIM feel more like HIMself? same goes for girls who “feel” like boys…..

    also, since little johnny has never actually BEEN a girl, how does he know what it feels like?….same goes for little jane…..

    the whole point is to erase objective reality, and they’re doing a bang-up job of it……sigh……..

  9. Oh, FFS, stop it. Menstruation is done by females. Once a month, every (bloody) month for forty odd years. It’s horrible, it’s painful and it’s often embarassing. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.

    If a female who thinks she’s a man has a period (as is normal, for a female) SHE doesn’t need a special product. STOP IT!

  10. Stop the world! I want to get off this ride.

    If these mental defects have such a problem with a monthly cycle, just wait until they start experiencing the joys of menopause.

  11. “… to coincide with Transgender Awareness week and International Men’s day.”

    If God wasn’t pissed enough at us earlier, He must be thoroughly pissed now.
    Exploiting the mentally-ill should carry some kind of penalty.

    Filthy fukkin maggots making bank off these deluded perverts is abominable.

    This is a Finnish company – the purge will have to be World-wide.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  12. Read 𝒞𝓇𝒶𝒸𝓀𝑒𝓇FJB𝒷𝒶𝒷𝓎’s comment. This is about WOMEN who are transitioning to men.

    Of course, women have periods as they are pretending to be men. Duh

  13. I find it difficult to understand just what led to the mass mental illness we seem to be experiencing today. How can so many subscribe to the countless fantasies, denial of truth and downright insanity displayed today and do so in a serious manner? Is it a product of growing up with video games leading to the inability to distinguish truth from fiction or have sinister forces introduced hallucinogens like LSD into the food supply? Whatever it might be it seems to have affected millions.


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