The Most Overrated Comedian of All Time – IOTW Report

The Most Overrated Comedian of All Time

Sorry if this offends anyone, but he does not make me laugh. (I like him in movies, however.)

What do you all think?

60 Comments on The Most Overrated Comedian of All Time

  1. “Sorry if this offends anyone, but he does not make me laugh. (I like him in movies, however.)”

    Same. The role he played in Good Will Hunting was of the charts good. The wife and I watched a movie with him, I believe it was called the Awakening where he basically played the same role. Much earlier. Damn he was good. If you ever get the chance check it out. Sadly a tortured man. But I think most people would agree, very talented.

  2. Too hyper, herky jerky for me to like his stand-up work. Now, as a dramatic actor I found him to be top notch, especially his psychological thrillers like One Hour Photo, the remake of Insomnia and The Night Listener.

  3. Let’s pick on a someone who can no longer defend themselves. Robin Williams dealt with mental illness. I would think most here could relate. But alas that again is a mental issue that most ignor & it is so much easier to sow their discord than to say he made his attempt to make people laugh at their short comings. No not everyone has hidden political views unless your a MAGAOT.

  4. ^^^^^
    LOL. You know I was almost ready to agree with some of what he said, then he shifted to I’m a Libtard and it’s Trumps fault Robin Williams killed himself. Dude you’re such a fucking Zombie. You have no idea.

  5. Anonymous Thursday, 7 December 2023, 0:28 at 12:28 am

    Oh my God I think I’m actually starting to feel sorry for these fools.
    Dear Anon, was this a discussion about Trump? No, it wasn’t. Donald J Trump has shoved his dick up every orifice in your head totally polluting your brain with his MAGA juice. He’s fucked you up for life. You should go put yourself out of your own misery. What’s the last person you think about before you fall asleep. Never mind, I know, Trump. Who’s the first person you think of when you wake up? Trump. He fucked you good.

  6. He’s fucked all you freaken losers good. Who spends their nights trying to start shit with people from the opposite party. Wow. You freaken loser really need to try and get a life. Pretty fucking depressing really.

  7. Some of the Most over rated “comedians” I truly find UN FUNNY:

    Will Ferrel
    Ben Stiller & His SCREAMING JACKASS FATHER Jerry Stiller
    Jim Belushi -boring
    95% of Saturday Night Live crew esp the last 20 years

  8. Opps, Add
    Martin Short & Rick Moranis
    2 Fellow Canadians that make me Puke.

    Robin Williams had some GREAT ROLES, especially the early years. As time went on I didn’t find him funny since many of the characters were different versions of the same thing but he NEVER bugged me the same way as some that I have mentioned.

    His Ex-Wives certainly helped push him over the edge…

  9. Anonymous @ 12:28

    You have TDS.

    The world is warring in Europe & Middle East, Venezuela is getting ready to invade a neighbor in South America, Western cities are being sacked from within and GARBAGE LIKE YOU thinks TRUMP was/is the problem.

    Your a complete MORON.

  10. gotta say … never liked him, never thought he was funny … or ‘enlightened’

    humor even a kindergartener wouldn’t find funny

    from ‘Dork & Windy’ to his Jonathan Winters insipid ‘look at me’ impersonations, to his glomming on to the political spectrum … just another boring ‘relevant’ ‘comedian’ …. must be some sort of ‘Millennial’ thing to think this bozo was funny

    at least Howie Mandel had the decency to fade away before he became a pathetic tragedy

  11. Well, Robin Williams always made me laugh. He was a great actor too. Scroll through some of the current up and and coming late Millennial or GenZ comedy specials on Netflix and find a funny one. I’ll take reruns of RW any day over the boring crap they think is funny nowadays.

  12. I hate Mrs. Doubtfire and The World According To Garp was the most depressing movie that I ever saw. I am not a fan of the novelist John Irving. Jumangi sucked as well. I still think that his role as Popeye which was his first movie was one of his best but I am also a huge Popeye fan.

  13. Jonathan Winters was hilarious.
    Some of the people on Dry Bar are funny.
    Sebastian Maniscalo is overrated. Every joke is the same as all the others.
    Jeff Dunham is funny.
    We saw Tim Hawkins a few years ago. I laughed so much my stomach muscles ached when we left.

    Robin Williams was new and different when he first showed up but his act was all the same after a while.

  14. The only people that have been truly funny to me could walk into a room, say nothing and make me laugh just looking at their face. But I’m not naming names. The list is private. 🤣

  15. I saw that headline and thought, “Wait, Isn’t Robin Williams the most overrated?”

    I guess for his comedy, he was playing against type at the time that was so extreme people opted to think it was funny. Andy Kaufman came out of the same era.

    I liked him in “The Final Cut” and “Insomnia.” There’s something about the roles he landed later in his career; dark, troubled, disturbed. Those casting directors knew their man.

  16. Kcir – I can’t Believe Elon Quoted Me!

    Some of the Most over rated “comedians” I truly find UN FUNNY:

    You forgot Dom DeLuise.

    Winters had mental problems from his days as a WWII Marine, but got invited to a lot of Hollyweird parties because everybody thought he was funny went he went off.

    The same with a lot of those mentioned, I’m guessing.

  17. Notice how I didn’t say, “Sorry if this offends Robin Williams”?

    Notice how I said, “What was the audience on”?

    Notice how when you say a comedian is overrated it’s not a self-rating by that comedian?

    Notice that ratings of a comedian are more of a comment on the audience than anything else?

    There is no need for Robin Williams to have to defend himself, and saying that he is dead (implying that the post is unfair) is idiotic.

  18. @Gen Malaise

    For me, one of those would be John Candy. He was a great skit comedian, but his talents did surface as much as in his movies.

    His face alone made me laugh – not that it was ugly or malformed – just funny – he was born to make people laugh.

  19. Never got why people thought he was so funny since his style was irritating to my ears and eyes. He was hyper and erratic, but not funny. OTOH, like others here have stated, he was a very good dramatic actor.

  20. @Gen Malaise

    For me, one of those would be John Candy. He was a great skit comedian, but his talents did not surface as much as in his movies.

    His face alone made me laugh – not that it was ugly or malformed – just funny – he was born to make people laugh.

  21. Surprised no one mentioned that Robin Williams was famous (or infamous) for stealing jokes from other comedians, to the point that some refused to perform in front of him. Great actor, but I never thought much of his standup.

  22. @ Brad THURSDAY, 7 DECEMBER 2023, 0:21 AT 12:21 AM
    “River Phoenix is probably even more screwed up than Williams”

    River Phoenix Overdosed in front of the Viper Room in Hollywood in 1993.

    Perhaps you meant Joaquin Phoenix his brother?

  23. People have mentioned that Robin Williams did some excellent dramatis roles. I agree.

    People have also mentioned Jonathan Winters. He had a stay in an asylum in the very early ‘60’s. Right after he go out, he was in the Twighlight Zone episode call A Game Of Pool. Speak of great dramatic performances. It is almost that such roles allows people to put their demons on display to help assuage them.

  24. Robin always cracked me up. His off the cuff stuff is great. Interviews and such could be awesome at times.
    I never saw much of the early stuff but my favorite is the bit on how the game of golf was created. Hilarious if you haven’t seen it.

  25. It turns out Williams was coked-out when he did standup. But his acting roles were excellent. Eddie Murphy is another meh comedian who was a terrific actor. The opposite of Richard Pryor.

  26. ” Eddie Murphy is another meh comedian who was a terrific actor”

    Eddie had a brother, Charlie Murphy, that use to appear on the old Dave Chappelle show and that guy was hilarious. Much funnier than Eddie.

  27. There were four comic geniuses in my life time, Jonathan Winters, George Carlin, Richard Prior and Robin Williams. No one has been funnier than any of these. If you disagree, it’s because you’re wrong.


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