Who’s The Bigger Prick? – IOTW Report

Who’s The Bigger Prick?

Auto Wire

Road rage can involve just one party fueling the situation, but like in this example of a diesel Ford truck and Tesla owners going at it, usually both parties are at fault. When this footage originally hit the internet, most people made their decision on who was “right” based on which vehicle or owner group they like the most. But we’ll just be honest and say both the truck and Tesla drivers acted like idiots, escalating the situation and providing great examples of what not to do. More

27 Comments on Who’s The Bigger Prick?

  1. Both are intentional jerks, of course. The Tesla owner had been anticipating such an event occurring. The Ford owner created the event. Both got angry over… something they shouldn’t have bothered getting angry over. But given the vehicle each chose, I suppose it was pretty inevitable that they would get into scraps like this.

  2. Time will confirm the winner….
    In about seven years “Kurt” will be whining about having to spend almost as much as a new car to get his failing batteries replaced, while “Mr Hard Core” will be bitching that fuel for his still perfectly running truck with 200K miles costs $5 per gallon.

  3. All I know is that at rush hour people will kill you to get one car ahead. And there’s always an elderly couple in the center lane doing 50 – usually driving an 80s Crown Vic or an old Caddy.

  4. I despise smug Tesla drivers (the non-smug ones I’ll give the benefit of the doubt) just about as much as I despise coal rollers. Coal rollers have been around longer, so their despicableness feels stronger.

    With this particular case, both drivers are such assholes I have absolutely no interest or incentive to spend any effort trying to figure out which one is the bigger, flaming-er, gaping-er asshole.

    I imagine I’ll have the opportunity to show a Tesla driver what I think of him if we ever have to do a hurricane evacuation again here in SW Florida. I’ll gladly drive right on by any stranded EV driver I see, with the possible exception of a family with one or more small kids. As for those dirty coal rollers, my fantasy is to have the opportunity to walk up to the stopped truck and projectile vomit directly into the radiator grill.

  5. Please just let me get from point A to point B and back unscathed. I promise I won’t anger you with bumper stickers, make rude gestures, honk my horn flash my lights, ride your rear bumper or listen to my radio real loud. Hell, I won’t even look at you. You might see my lips moving if you look in your rearview mirror. I promise I am not talking about you, so just focus on that traffic light up front.

    All I ask is that you remember that the primary purpose of a vehicle is transportation, not self-expression. I know that’s boring, but most driving should be boring. And uneventful.

  6. Brad: I saw that video a few months ago. I know someone who used to live in Washington State. He had been a member of one of those companies. That company had to stop operating in the state because of the law that illegal acts cannot be in insured.

    I am a member of one of them but I might just cancel next year and go with one of the attorney retainer companies.

    I wonder if those laws apply to politicians who engage in illegal activities and get the tax payers to pay the fines.

  7. Yeah, they’re both pricks in their own way. I was just curious what everyone thought should get the big award.

    Notice however, despite it being Texas, shots were not exchanged. I consider that a hopeful sign.

  8. RadioMattM

    Yea, the deal breaker is, if you plead down to a misdemeanor you’re still guilty. And at that point in time ANY insurance company can not legally represent you. So all those insurance companies need to abide by that law, so they are all worthless. It will eventually cost you a ton of money if you ever get involved in a shoot. I sent this to my CCW guy last week and he’s sent out a blanket e-mail advising all his peeps to switch.

  9. joe6pak

    It looks like if you’re an Insurance company you are required by law to stop covering anyone that pleads guilty. So if you plead down to a much lesser charge, you’re still guilty and you will need to repay any insurance company. The thing with Attorneys on Retainer is they are not an insurance company. They are exactly what their name suggests so they are not effected by that law.

  10. It looked like the truck accelerated to get up and around traffic to exit at the gas station. The coal rolling may have not had “Kurty” as the planned recipient. Tesla driver was a fool that could have ended up badly hurt or dead.

  11. Both are idiots. The Tesla driver for the confrontation. You have no idea who’s in the truck, or what drug they’re high on at the moment, did they miss their anti-psychotic that morning, etc…

    The truck… Rolling coal is a waste on money, and the cops here in Texas are starting to crack down on it. The older trucks, 6.9 IDI, 7.3 IDI’s of the 80’s and 90’s would roll coal when they had injector problems, or even if the driver stepped on the pedal too quick. No computer control to match fuel to airflow. But… That truck was an early 6.7l Powerstroke. Fully three generations later than those old IDI’s. There’s no intake restriction and no throttle cable, it’s a rheostat and some software. You have to seriously mod the software to get it to over-fuel like that, and basically have to strip out the DPF emissions system or it would get hopelessly plugged.

    I have a similar truck, 5 or 6 years newer without the stupid lift, and it simply does not smoke… Not ever. Not even when the Kali plate Tesla tries to pass me on the right to cut in front of me at a lane merge and I trigger the Tesla anti-collision system and touchlessly put them in the ditch. O:-)


  12. Truck dude wanted to fuck with Tesla dude. Tesla dude confronted truck dude. Truck dude ran his mouth but thats about it. Tesla dude disengages and Truck dude, all but hurt followed him and ran his cock sucker some more. Thats about it. Truck dude is the pussy here.

  13. I can’t see the video. I drive a F350, Hot Shot rig, that has fed restrictions so I can’t “roll coal” as I am EPA compliant. I am bigger, I usually have a load and need more stopping room so little cages that buzz around can be a danger to themselves. FYI : DON’T PULL INFRONT OF TRUCKS AS I will crush you in a HOT Brake situation. It is basic physics. Also those of us who have a CDL usually have a perfect driving record.


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