San Fran Supervisor Blames “Capitalism” for Homeless Problem – IOTW Report

San Fran Supervisor Blames “Capitalism” for Homeless Problem


San Francisco Supervisor Dean Preston claimed the city’s homelessness problems were “absolutely the result of capitalism,” and it was “counterproductive” to arrest people openly doing drugs.

Preston’s District 5 includes the Tenderloin District, an area known for its open-air drug market. Nearly half of the city’s homeless population lived in this district in 2022, the San Francisco Chronicle reported. More

21 Comments on San Fran Supervisor Blames “Capitalism” for Homeless Problem

  1. “Assessor-Recorder Joaquín Torres announced that the City and County of San Francisco’s property roll value grew to a record-high $328 billion for Fiscal Year 2021-2022, which is an increase of 3.7% or $11.6 billion over the previous fiscal year.”

    Well, isn’t that special! Perhaps all those property-owning Capitalists would like to give up some of their equity to the homeless? Right? Home-owning, government employees? Whada you think?

  2. Wild Bill, the reason that there were no homeless or unemployed in the Soviet Union was that they were all homeless and not working unless they were in the gulag working as slaves for the state. Communism kills both the body and the spirit. Never forget that capitalism frees people to do their best while communism makes everything and everybody equally miserable or dead.

  3. Feeding the homeless is absolutely the cause of all the human defecation on SF streets. It is “counterproductive” to have soup kitchens.

    Similarly, is it in the City’s interests to keep handing out hypodermic needles since they are discarded on the sidewalks??

    Looks like entire City Depts need to be jobless.

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