A Race to the Bottom in Ben Cardin’s Office – IOTW Report

A Race to the Bottom in Ben Cardin’s Office

WFB: When Ben Cardin announced his impending retirement from the Senate in May, the Maryland Democrat expressed his “profound thanks” to “the most dedicated staff in all of Congress.” For one staffer, that dedication has been shown in unconventional ways.

On Friday afternoon, a report in the Spectator revealed that a Cardin aide maintained a public Twitter account to which he posted pornographic photos and videos, including one taken in a Senate hearing room. That staffer, a political operative with knowledge of the posts told the Washington Free Beacon, is Cardin legislative aide Aidan Maese-Czeropski, who reportedly posted obscene images under the pseudonym “Andre.”

As it turns out, the same staffer accosted Rep. Max Miller (R., Ohio) earlier this week and let loose an anti-Semitic rant, according to the congressman.

This is not Maese-Czeropski’s first time in the limelight. President Joe Biden featured the Cardin staffer in a 2020 campaign ad, prompting thanks from Maese-Czeropski’s mother. MORE

23 Comments on A Race to the Bottom in Ben Cardin’s Office

  1. Give these mentally ill misfits from the Island of Busted-Ass Toyz an inch and they’ll take a mile! They’re out of control due to being a protected species that now think they can get away with anything! THIS SHIT MUST STOP!
    Aaaaaaannnd Ben Dover Cardin should be censured and forced to resign!
    Who the Helll wants to sit at a sticky desk???
    If they want to act like undisciplined monkeys, put ’em on Monkey Island in the zoo!

  2. They’re Democrats so the location of the fudge packing may be typical with the only difference being that this time it was recorded and shared. Shared with the public I mean. Previous recordings may have been regularly distributed amongst the deep state.

  3. Remember “what we do in our bedrooms is none of your business”? If only they would just keep it in their bedrooms. Some of them really do want to shove it down our throats. So to speak.

  4. This disgusting fucking faggot clearly demonstrated the goal of all disgusting fucking faggots. They want to build a society where they can publicly engage in sodomy anytime anywhere with anyone, with permission or not, and we’re all supposed to cheer it on or face the full wrath of their filthy faggot run government.

    The Muslims have the right idea. Toss these disgusting vermin from the rooftops before they turn the entire country into Sodom and Gomorrah.

  5. @The Mule: This is what I’m not getting from some so-called conservatives and professed Christians. They are disgusted by faggots, and rightly so, yet you dare say anything against Trump and you are the devil reincarnated. From Trump’s own mouth: “We are fighting for the gay community, and we are fighting and fighting hard,” Donald Trump told a Log Cabin Republicans gala.

    Here’s a link to the article, it’s damning:


  6. @GoldenFox,

    I’m not a Trump fan because he’s a fraud and utterly selfish. I’m a DeSantis supporter, but, in this moronic political culture of ours, actually doing things like DeSantis does takes a back seat to Trump’s perpetual, non-stop gun-flapping over all the things he will never do because he’s either too stupid, too lazy, too dishonest, or too chickenshit to actually do them.

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