Rep. Tim Burchett Says His Colleagues Are Compromised and Blackmailed – Think Epstein Island – IOTW Report

Rep. Tim Burchett Says His Colleagues Are Compromised and Blackmailed – Think Epstein Island

9 Comments on Rep. Tim Burchett Says His Colleagues Are Compromised and Blackmailed – Think Epstein Island

  1. Epstein, anything you ever searched online, your phone logs and text/ messaging logs and info of anyone you have contacted or been contacted by.
    Google and all the other platforms will eagerly supply info to the evil f#@*&#s that want to hold control over us.

  2. It would have been better for all of D.C. if Epstein and all the evidence had been exposed at the first. It’s much worse this way because the tar brush has painted all of them, and it’s a fine example of why thinking Americans trust none of them.

  3. Fuck Epstein’s list.
    I want to see all the data in the warehouses in Utah completely destroyed.
    Then we can work on who was diddling who in DC and the islands.


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