When Joe’s Medication Wears Off – IOTW Report

When Joe’s Medication Wears Off

26 Comments on When Joe’s Medication Wears Off

  1. I think they don’t give him his drugs on these occasions so people will feel sorry for him.

    Never. He was a lying scum bag the day he entered politics and has remained so … even getting more vicious … ever since.

    He gets no sympathy from me. He chose his path in life when he rejected God.

  2. This utterly dishonest, unpatriotic, greedy, crooked, vain, venal, vicious, bed-wetting, pants-shitting, Rat-Fucking, Bubbling, Bubbling Vat Of Irish Dumpster Juice who acts like the mutant, dim-witted combination of the Winnebago man and Karl Childers on drugs!
    Thanks a pantload Jackass Joe for the broken economy, the broken energy system, broken supply lines, broken foreign policy programs, broken trust, broken borders, broken Police forces, a broken military, a broken Afghanistan, re-arming the Taliban and some seriously misplaced priorities (like all the flaming twinks prancing about in the White House) that simply demonstrates his hatred of America and Americans!

  3. Cue Dueling Bozo’s like Rush used to call it. Only in his administration do we have Senate aides doing it in the Senate chambers and bending over and squealing like a pig. You know what they say about sand, that a house built on sand will always fail and be destroyed.

  4. Does the White House stink as bad as most nursing homes do? The only smell that was worse were the pureed brussells sprouts that were cooked for the residents at Lakeland Village, a state institution for the mentally retarded in Medical Lake, Wash. That was the worse other than a massive blowout of their diapers when changing them, that almost me puke more than once.

  5. Poor old fellow, if he weren’t an evil satanist pederast I might feel the twinge of an echo of a touch of nostalgic sorrow for him. As it is, in this case, elder abuse is a-ok!

  6. This brain dead huckster is only 1/4 of the problem. It’s the cabal of sneaky communists pulling the strings behind him and giving him his marching orders that I’m worried about.

  7. There was so much reliable, factual information about how sketchy and dangerous the untested Covid “vaccine” is, immediately when it was released. The injured Vaccine-ites have no excuse. A job is not worth dying for – there was a choice to ignore the jab mandate – which I did.
    No amount of bullying by the leftist media or government socialists was going to convince me to get shot up with that CCP poison.

  8. The worst part is Dementia Joe could sleep through the complete destruction of the United States and have no idea what’s happening. The fact that he assisted in the destruction would be lost on him.

    However, he won’t escape accountability. He will be fully cognitive when standing before God for a sentencing to a hellish eternity.


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