California Will Begin Pumping Poo Water Into Homes – IOTW Report

California Will Begin Pumping Poo Water Into Homes

The water from flushed toilets in California has been recycled for use in such things as an ice skating rink close to Disneyland, ski areas near Lake Tahoe, and Central Valley farms. But now it will be home tap water.

New regulations were passed by California regulators on Tuesday that would allow water providers to recycle wastewater and re-insert it into the pipelines that supply drinking water to homes, schools, and businesses.

This caused opposition that derailed comparable initiatives twenty years ago. But what’s a little shitwater when life in America is going to shit in general?

For many years, recycled wastewater has been used in California. However, it has not been used specifically for human consumption. A vast water purification system in Orange County is run by the county government and this system recycles wastewater and utilizes it to replenish subterranean aquifers. For many months, the water mixes with the groundwater before being pumped up and utilized for drinking purposes once again.

Water agencies in California would be able to cleanse wastewater and reintroduce it to the drinking water system immediately under the new regulations.


25 Comments on California Will Begin Pumping Poo Water Into Homes

  1. Other jurisdictions have used processed effluent water for firefighting and non-food plant irrigation. They have separate pipelines.
    I bet this place has been already doing this for a while. They are just now getting around to making it “legal”.

  2. I live rural, so it isn’t coming here. I know where the water source comes from. This will affect metropolitan areas the most. BTW, we’re on septic, water goes back into the soil, the trees love the fertilizing.

  3. I have well water and septic system. I live in the mountains around the Shenandoah river in VA.I have wonder for a few years now when the government is going to confiscate the water from our wells.

  4. On the Gemini and Apollo missions, what kind of water did they use to mix their Tang? Reclaimed toilet water.

    What will they drink on Mars until they can find or make water? Reclaimed toilet water.

    Drink Astronaut Water!

  5. All water is recycled eventually. The stuff from our leach field eventually makes its way to the water table, which is then pumped to our house from the well.

    Most of the western states have a serious problem: too many people and not enough water. Newsome is doing an admirable job of driving people out of California, but they still need to look at their water problem.

  6. Californians get what they vote for. They have the whole Pacific Ocean to get water from, all it takes to desalinate is cheap nuclear power, but oh no, we’d rather drink poo water. The salt removed from sea water can then be used to re-salinate the effluent they are now dumping back into the ocean. So glad I left that state 49 years and 9 months ago.

  7. A few decades ago, some genius in California floated an idea of building a pipeline to carry water from Oregon to California. Almost started a civil war. They gave up on that, but they settled on stealing cheap hydroelectric power instead.


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