Armoured Truck Ambushed- Driver of Truck Would Not Be Defeated – IOTW Report

Armoured Truck Ambushed- Driver of Truck Would Not Be Defeated

18 Comments on Armoured Truck Ambushed- Driver of Truck Would Not Be Defeated

  1. I disagree about Lloyd. His first priority was to provide firepower when and as needed, and he seemed to be doing a good job of maintaining situational awareness. With bullet resistant glass it sure made no tactical sense to roll down his window so it wasn’t called for for him to return fire (not to mention problems with Rule #4).

    IMO, his boss, the driver decided when it was OK for Lloyd to make the phone call, which of course took his attention away from the bad guys for a moment.

  2. I assume the racists making comments realized that if the black guy had lowered the window, he would have had a difficult time targeting the attackers while at the same time exposing himself to enemy fire and allowing the bullets to enter the cab and possibly hitting the driver. With the bullet resistant glass the driver could possibly get away from them or get into a better defensive position. Then they could take the battle to the attackers.

  3. Anonymous

    That idiot sitting next to him is a worthless sack of monkey shit.

    I thought the same thing. The driver did a good job. Video said the driver was a trainer for the company. The shotgun guy needs to be retrained or fired.

  4. Uncle Al — “so it wasn’t called for for him to return fire (not to mention problems with Rule #4)”
    what does “Rule #4: Best way to keep a secret: Keep it to yourself. Second best: Tell one other person—if you must. There is no third best.” have to do with this?

  5. I think the wingman did exactly what he could have done in that situation.

    I will say, that AR was the wrong length with the wrong optic for that situation, but how the hell can you know. I would have liked to see a .30 caliber short barrel and a red-dot…….especially for cab maneuverability.


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