S. Korea: The vaxxed have an array of autoimmune conditions that the un-vaxxed don’t – IOTW Report

S. Korea: The vaxxed have an array of autoimmune conditions that the un-vaxxed don’t

🚨UNEXPLAINED POST JAB SYMPTOMS? Three Korean universities have searched the country’s health insurance database. They’ve compared vax vs unvaxxed and have discovered that the vaxxed have an array of autoimmune and other conditions the unvaxxed dont. READ

8 Comments on S. Korea: The vaxxed have an array of autoimmune conditions that the un-vaxxed don’t

  1. Nope. Can’t be. Everyday the MSM says the suicide jab is safe and effective, everything is just fine, and masks work. The Airline Pilot’s Assn’s. unexpected, premature deaths are simply not true. All those world class athletes who died on the field? Don’t believe your lying eyes. Embalmer’s shocking observations? All made up. Unheard of heart attack and stroke rates? Tin foil hat stuff. The life Insurance companies off the charts early payouts? Conspiracy theories. Turbo cancer? NFW. So there. (Sarc off for now). Maybe when enough MDs, pro jab RNs, CDC-FDA experts, teachers, and MSM types suddenly drop dead the truth will come out.

  2. As a side note, I understand Koreans despise the North-South aspect. I get it, but for the rest of the world, we don’t know who the f**k you’re referring to when you leave off the designator.

    It matters to us non-Koreans that think there is a difference worth acknowledging. The southern one we love in toto. The northern one?, we only love the people.

    I ran into this in a Firestone waiting area several years ago. Strangely, any attempt to compliment that lovely 50-something Korean woman only made her uncomfortable. I do wish I knew what I did wrong.

    Weirdly, my German mother looked like she could pass for a Korean. I only noticed this years after she passed.

  3. More “unexpected “ fallout from The Critical Thinking Purge.

    Interestingly, I was asked to sign a Flu vax declination form, as I do each year. I was on a contract with a crummy hospital system, based in the South. This form was different, it was only giving me the options of a Medical exception, which needed a provider’s signature, or a Religious exception. I told my recruiter to send me the form with the Evidence Based Practice exception. She, based in San Franshitso, did not see the humor. In the past twenty years, it has only ever been a simple declination. No explicit reason required. My contract was ending a few days after I received the notice, so I ignored it.

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