More Great Moments with Dads – IOTW Report

More Great Moments with Dads

12 Comments on More Great Moments with Dads

  1. Bad moments with Bad Dads:

    Bad Dad: “Kid, ya wanna learn how to swim?”

    Kid: “Sure Dad, can you teach me how?”

    Bad Dad: “No, not gonna teach you nothin’. See that pond over there?”

    Kid: “Yes, Dad.”

    Bad Dad: “Well, my Dad threw me in that pond and told me to learn quick or drown. What do you think happened?”

    Nervous Kid: “Uh, Dad, I think you learned how to swim.”

    Bad Dad: “Right, Sonny. You bet I did.”

    Bad Dad picks up his kid and tosses him into the pond.

    Bad Dad: “Swim, kid, or say Sayanora”.

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