TSA Accepting “Warrants for Arrest of Alien” as ID for Illegals – IOTW Report

TSA Accepting “Warrants for Arrest of Alien” as ID for Illegals

PJ Media

I wish, oh how I wish I could tell you that the headline is a joke. It almost has to be a joke, right? No sane country would accept an arrest warrant as a form of ID, right? Well, this is no longer a sane country. But you probably already know that by now. But no one, even in an opium-induced fever dream, would think that the TSA would accept an arrest warrant as a form of legal ID. But it apparently does More

And for those flying this weekend, Remy presents the TSA version of “A Few of My Favorite Things” Here

14 Comments on TSA Accepting “Warrants for Arrest of Alien” as ID for Illegals

  1. Insane, isn’t it? What’s more insane is that the nation has not reacted like this isn’t Pearl Harbor or 9/11. Worse: where the fuck is the GOP?…

    Oh. Yeah. The GOP… Until we get rid of the corrupt GOP parasites like McConnell, forget saving our nation.

  2. They are doing this to collapse the country to bring in a one world government, America must die as we know it and it can’t be stopped agenda 2030 is followed by agenda 2050. This is Satan’s world now, God is giving them over to own their desires.
    Rom_8:5  For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. KJB

  3. Came through Logan on my way home on Mon night and there were dozens and dozens of illegals near baggage claim waiting for their rides.
    Our area has been overrun.
    There are parts of Portland, ME where you would swear you were in Africa.
    You know none are vetted or have had health screenings or anything.

  4. what’s worse is that they do not go through TSA security. they have an “expedited path” to the gate. so while YOU are getting molested by some TSA jack wad your replacement is being handled with kid gloves.

  5. And every border city large enough to support an airport airports are over flowing with illegals being flown into the interior. I read they found a whole heard of Venezuelan military aged fighting men all with written instructions to meet somewhere in Philly on a specific date at a specific time. I’m thinking that should be concerning to your average tin foil hat gun toting American. Think I’ll go guy some more Black Out and 45 ACP.

  6. A communist strategy. Install an illegal presidency in charge of corrupt federal agencies (TSA included) that ignores the dutiful purpose of warrants at their discretion.

    This lawlessness is to secure invasive foreign alien subjects are “in country” populating and weaponized to erode the national security of the United States of America. This strategy is working like clockwork.

    Sadly, the pushback is once again miniscule, but a shake up is coming. This tyranny cannot be sustained forever.


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