Dispute Over Christmas Presents Turns Tragic – IOTW Report

Dispute Over Christmas Presents Turns Tragic


Two teens are in custody after a shooting resulted in the death of their sister on Christmas Eve, the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office said. 

And it all started as an argument over Christmas presents before the teens pulled out guns, Sheriff Bob Gualtieri said. 

The 14-year-old was not happy with the amount of presents his 15-year-old brother was getting from their mom. The argument continued to Grandma’s house, where the sister’s kids were going to stay while she went to work. More

35 Comments on Dispute Over Christmas Presents Turns Tragic

  1. Goldenfoxx

    My daughter live in extreme NorCal. She’s a school teacher up there. Here husbands a saw guy. We don’t see them nearly enough but they were down for a couple days over Christmas. I asked them the question, you guys seeing in illegal immigrants moving into your area. Answer, oh hell yea. Chinese Nationalist. All men 25 years old or so, dumber than a box of rocks. All with money. Just wondering, are you guys seeing anything like that around your area?

  2. The trick is they should all have been moved to Liberia, under penalty of death.

    I said, as a youngin, “Send them back to the motherland!”

    Someone I knew said, “Take them halfway back.”

    I was shocked by that response when I was 11, not so much now.

  3. I think someone missed the whole “Spirit of Christmas” thing.
    The point of Christmas, is to GIVE gifts. God gave us the greatest gift imaginable and we should try to return what is His unto Him.

    Maybe it was a Kwanzaa celebration?

    Those darned white Christian supremacist mofos be ruinin erythin.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. GatewayPundit mentioned the names of the brothers Darcus Coley (15) and Damarcus (14).

    See what mom did there? She gave the 14 year old 2 more letters in his brother’s name. That is great.

    Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas!

  5. @Brad: I’m not seeing them here. There’s no work here unless you’re PG&E, government (forestry type). The new hires for the State that I see here, are people over the age of 60 taking on a second job after retiring from the first. Why? Because they have work ethic. Toilet scrubbers for the State campgrounds here. For trail crews, they are all white, young, and they show up. Then we have the usual homeless laying on their backside down by the river. Only people around that I find disgusting. Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring wealth.

    PS The ones taking the low jobs here were school teachers, and grocery checkers. Even the jailbirds are out there on fire crews.


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