“Well, what do you want me to say about slavery?” Nikki Haley’s Answer to New Hampshire Town Hall Question on the Cause of the Civil War Stuns Questioner – IOTW Report

“Well, what do you want me to say about slavery?” Nikki Haley’s Answer to New Hampshire Town Hall Question on the Cause of the Civil War Stuns Questioner

GP: Speaking at a town hall in Berlin, New Hampshire, Wednesday night, Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley, the former governor of first to secede slave state South Carolina, was asked what the cause of the Civil War was. Haley gave a discourse about protecting people’s freedoms from government (which would have been an excellent answer to a different question). The answer stunned her questioner because Haley failed to mention slavery. When called out, Haley responded, “Well, what do you want me to say about slavery?”, and then moved on to another question. more

26 Comments on “Well, what do you want me to say about slavery?” Nikki Haley’s Answer to New Hampshire Town Hall Question on the Cause of the Civil War Stuns Questioner

  1. I don’t like Nikki but this is much ado about nothing.
    Her only problem was not sticking to her answer and telling the reporter to eat shit & die.

    Why the fuck ask about the fucking Civil fucking War anyway?

    Look, Nikki will fall for any hoax regarding black folk being abused, has a big black, very black son-in-law, so the “racist” canard is way the fuck out of line here…

  2. Harry, I basically said that to a ‘girlfriend’ years ago and her reaction helped me understand just how conflicted and liberally fucked up she was (raised in a Democrat New York family). She wasn’t around long as my ‘girlfriend.’

  3. The Civil War would not have happened if Lincoln and the US Gov’t had just allowed the South to secede and create its own nation.
    Not that I think that is what should have happened, but it’s true. Although the war had a lot to do with slavery, it had more to do with not letting the southern states govern themselves. And slavery wouldn’t have ended as soon, but it would have ended by 1900.

  4. The discussion prior to the War of Northern Aggression was on slavery going to future states, not eliminating it. Lincoln caused the war and his first address after winning outlines the reason.

  5. Slavery became the scapegoat for the War of Northern Aggression (it was not a “civil war” because the Confederacy was trying to withdraw from the abuses of the federal govt., not take it over). The real issue was that the federal govt. didn’t want to lose the excise taxes and tariffs the southern states were forced to pay which accounted for about 75% of the revenue to the federal govt. in the i850’s. The southern states rightly felt they were bearing an unfair share of taxes to the federal govt. which was used to support the northern states industrial base rather than being used to support the southern states that paid the taxes.

    The late, great Walter Williams succinctly laid out what led to the war in a couple of brief columns several years ago, and it wasn’t slavery. This is a link to the first column


    (from the column): The War of 1861 brutally established that states could not secede. We are still living with its effects. Because states cannot secede, the federal government can run roughshod over the U.S. Constitution’s limitations of the Ninth and Tenth Amendments. States have little or no response.

  6. Here is the second part.


    (From the column): Throughout most of our nation’s history, the only sources of federal revenue were excise taxes and tariffs. During the 1850s, tariffs amounted to 90 percent of federal revenue. Southern ports paid 75 percent of tariffs in 1859. What “responsible” politician would let that much revenue go?

    (and Lincoln really saw slavery as a political wedge to be leveraged rather than any moral principle): What about Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation? Here are his words: “I view the matter (of slaves’ emancipation) as a practical war measure, to be decided upon according to the advantages or disadvantages it may offer to the suppression of the rebellion.” He also wrote: “I will also concede that emancipation would help us in Europe, and convince them that we are incited by something more than ambition.”

    So Nicki Haley is very ill informed about the War of Northern Aggression, but she stumbled into the correct answer of not addressing slavery as a cause.

  7. First off, the “Civil War” was not. That is an attempted take over of an existing government. The southern states never attempted that. They just wanted separation.

    Second, slavery was not the issue. Congress passed and two states ratified the Corwin Amendment to the Constitution that would have enshrined slavery in states where it existed into the Constitution.

    Pisses me off that so many people just do not grasp what the issues were that caused the war of Northern Aggression. It’s written down by the people of the time, in the northern states, but that didn’t make it into textbooks used in our government schools.

    If you’ve ever heard the term, “the victors write the history”, there is no single better example.

    The northern states wanted the southern members of the “Union” to be their agricultural ‘colony’, just as England had done to America. A source of cheap raw materials and a market for finished goods. When the southern states sought to source manufactured goods and market their products elsewhere the federal government set about killing them. That, in a nutshell, is your fucking “Civil War”.

    Try as you might, you cannot prove me wrong by any definitive factual source of that period of time.

  8. What ABOUT slavery?

    No Black Anerican alive today ever was a slave.

    No White American alive today ever owned a slave.

    No Republican ever owned a slave. That was the Democrats.

    Very few people could afford to own slaves.

    The first person to sue for the return of a Black slave was a Black man.

    Many Black icons,including Obama, decend from slave owners.

    Many White people have ancestors that came to this country well after slavery ended.

    No one alive today is responsible for acts of a tiny minority of White people 180 years ago.

    Every race has owned slaves.

    Every race has been slaves.

    Slavery thrives today, bit only in African and Muslim communities.

    The ONLY legal discrimination in modern America is against White people.

    Taking from White people by force to give to Black people for no other reason than their race enslaves White people to Black people.

    So what ABOUT slavery?

    The only slavery we should CURRENTLY be worried about is being enslaved by Communist tyrants.

    Then, as now, with the Democrats being the slavers.

  9. As I see it, the Democrat party would be devastated if slavery was reinstituted like a lot of journalists seem to claim if Republicans win. Sure, the Democrats would continue to own the blacks like they do now, but each black vote would only count 3/5 of a vote so Democrats would lose 40% of their votes and either lose power or have to cheat harder.

    (Incidentally, this is sarcasm for the anonymous trolls who seem to pop in and out of here. Slavery, even the current kind as practiced by Democrats, is evil).

  10. Democrats are equal opportunity slaveholders.
    The present generation of all citizens are held hostage by our National Debt.

    What is most egregious is several Future Generations of Americans will be sold into Federal Servitude through paying increased taxes, with devalued dollars and lower standards of living to pay our Debt.

    We are near to $34 Trillion dollars in Debt, what will be the debt when our children and grandchildren. $50 Trillion, $80 Trillion, 100 Trillion?

    The Federal Government stripped the states of their rights to govern and provide for their citizens, at the same time made all taxpayers became slaves to the Federal Government.

    With the weaponization of the Federal Agencies and the suppression of the right to petition as enumerated in the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, which specifically prohibits Congress from abridging “the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances”.

    The DOJ, FBI, other Federal Agencies and the Judiciary sent the message loud and clear through the Kangaroo court actions prosecuting and jailing those who peaceably gathered on January 6, 2020.

    Who dares to speak? Parents at the School Board Meetings? The FBI enters to investigate. Telephone, internet and other forms of communications are illegally digitally stored, firearm purchases are stored illegally. Congress allowed FISA Warrants to continue.
    Homeland Security, IRS, DOJ, FBI, ATF and many other agencies have been weaponized to keep the Federal Financial Slaves in line.

    You’ll have nothing and you’ll like it.

  11. I would have liked for Cunty Haley to have said, “The Civil War was caused by slave owning Democrats declaring war on the newly minted Republican Party which ultimately ended slavery by smashing the Democrats, much as President Donald Trump will do in 2024.”

  12. Secession was and is perfectly legal. Nothing in the Constitution prohibits it.

    However, secession would have robbed the country of its revenue base (look up the protective tariff). So Lincoln had to provoke an incident.

    So, is it justice or irony that he was one of its last casualties?

  13. Haley is a stupid bint. She was the same person who shit-canned the South Carolina flag out of “sensitivity” to the legacy of slavery in the South. What an asshole. Is she literally trying to play both sides of that fence? Good luck, dummy.

  14. I walked up the main hall in my Midwestern factory just now. There were a dozen or so folks I saw there that Democrats would term “Black”. Of those, 80% were immigrant Africans, 19% were visibly some mixture of races, and maybe 1% were Americans that visually -MIGHT- have uncontaminated slave ancestry.

    …so, even if we take that “40 acres and a mule” thing like it was EVER anything but a campaign promise, how then do you distribute this given that MOST of the Black population likely arrived AFTER that promise was made, and that no one alive today is of the generation that promise was made to? And who do you TAKE this from? ANY White person, just ’cause they’re White, even the ancestors of men who died in the battles that ended it? Do you take it from mixed race people who have slavers in their ancestry, like Obama and Kamala? Who makes these decisions and what makes you think that punishing people NOW for sins committed by people they never knew and aren’t related to WON’T cause a backlash that keeps hate alive for many generations to come?

    If anyone wants to do something about slavery, perhaps they should consider ending it HERE NOW TODAY in Africa, in the Mideast, in Somali communities in the United States.

    Punishing people because they have a similar hue to SOME of the people who were mean to darker hued people at a specific point in history is nothing but racism.

    And taking the product of a man’s labor from him by force and giving it to someone else by law has a name.


    You can’t use the devils tools in his despite.

    And never in truth do two wrongs make a right.


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