The Obligatory News Bloopers of 2023 – IOTW Report

The Obligatory News Bloopers of 2023

Side note. Why are so many weatherman observably gay? It seems to be a station choice. Why is that?

17 Comments on The Obligatory News Bloopers of 2023

  1. I didn’t find the older gen guys to be gay but real meteorologist who were interested in their subject. This new gen seems to be mostly women and the men (soyboys). I now prefer the females.

  2. My local older weather guy is definitely not gay and it’s a good thing. When he retires, they’ll probably replace him with a queer or a lesbo. I’ve noticed lately that a lot of the new reporters are minority females, and this is an area where the population is predominantly white. And one very heavy set, overweight woman has become one of the new morning news anchors. We did have an Asian woman who was the evening news anchor for 2 or 3 years, but she must’ve gone elsewhere all of a sudden since she was replaced by a local white woman.

  3. I had noticed local (Orlando area) weathermen appearing somewhat gay, but that video has some real obnoxious flamers in it. Then again, white men can only get a job in the field if they come across as gay…

  4. Queer weather guy Anderson Klingberry made this blooper last week:

    Anderson: The NWS has announced that a tornanus is heading toward San Francisco’s Tenderloin District….ooops, I meant tornado, not tornanus….sorry folks, I was distracted.

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