Voice Actress Freaks Out Phone Scammers – IOTW Report

Voice Actress Freaks Out Phone Scammers

She is good-

13 Comments on Voice Actress Freaks Out Phone Scammers

  1. Pretty cool. Check out Kitboga (youtube) if you want to go down the hole of scamming scammers. He wrote a website that makes scammers think they are redeeming bitcoins from a QR code sent from a (fake) victim. Scammers spend hours going thru the website maze of no results. He recently hooked it up to AI voice so when the scammer can’t redeem bitcoin and call customer support another unsolvable maze is presented over the phone. The scammers are relentless thinking their thousands of dollars are about to be released if they answer just one more question. Worthless parasites, and 100% of them are in some India shithole.

  2. She has a great voice.

    We were getting a lot of calls at a point years ago. I started answering the phone either, “South Portland Women’s Prison” or, “I did what you told me but there’s blood everywhere”.
    Mr. Beachmom would answer, ” I’ve been waiting for your call, and then he’d carry on until they hung up.
    We only get emails now.
    The big scams are on the dating sites for over 50’s.
    They ask for money or unlocked phones and get belligerent when they’re told no.

  3. I set my iPhone to send any calls from a number not in my contacts directly to voicemail. Almost none of them give voicemails messages.
    I then go through the list of calls, block, and delete.

  4. My dad who was deaf as a post without his hearing aids would deliberately bait scammers and other knuckleheads who tried to scam him. Or he would take his hearing aids out and let them hear the high-pitched squeal of him removing his hearing aids being removed. They finally quit bothering him and if they didn’t he wouldn’t answer if he didn’t know who was calling. I’m the same if I don’t know who’s calling, I don’t answer my cell phone. And my youngest brother politely tells them to fuck off and go to hell and hangs up the phone.

  5. The amazing ones who go after scammers do something to them like delete their files, show them their passports on their screen, and render their call centers useless. It cost them thousands to restore their scamming. I like seeing the good guys deleting the scammers files and they don’t know it. Make them cry….

  6. Golden fox: I like the guy who electronically alters his voice to sound like an elderly lady. He acts like he doesn’t understand their instructions and drags out their calls for hours, meanwhile he is deleting their files and pinpointing their exact location. So satisfying.

  7. Had some Indian scammers on my ass for a couple days for unpaid taxes and i played along.
    Last call they had me going to a cheque cashing store to pay off my 15000 thousand in arrears,told me the Toronto police would arrest me on the street if i didn’t show up.Asked them to send a picture of me too Toronto police service so they would know they got the right guy.
    There was a mumbled F..k off and they were gone.


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