This Appears on a List of Black Inventions – IOTW Report

This Appears on a List of Black Inventions

Here is the list.

One in particular is kinda…

Drag Queens

William Dorsey Swann is highly regarded as the first drag queen in the US.


When Swann was 24 years old, he was caught stealing books from the Washington Library Company and an item from his employers’ home. Swann pled guilty to petty larceny and was sentenced to six months in jail.[5]

Swann’s former employers, the sentencing judge, and the Assistant US Attorney filed a presidential pardon for Swann, arguing that Swann was “free from vice, industrious, refined in his habits, and associations, gentle in his disposition, courteous in his bearing”.


I think what we have here are a number of powerful people who did want to be outed.

25 Comments on This Appears on a List of Black Inventions

  1. “Now goblins are cruel, wicked, and bad-
    hearted. They make no beautiful things, but they make many clever ones. They can tunnel and mine as well as any but the most skilled
    dwarves, when they take the trouble, though
    they are usually untidy and dirty. Hammers,
    axes, swords, daggers, pickaxes, tongs, and
    also instruments of torture, they make very well, or get other people to make to their design, prisoners and slaves that have to work till they die for want of air and light. It is not unlikely that they invented some of the machines that have since troubled the world, especially the ingenious devices for killing large numbers of people at once, for wheels and engines and explosions always delighted them, and also not working with their own hands more than they could help; but in those days and those wild parts they had not advanced (as it is called) so far. They did not hate dwarves especially, no more than they hated everybody and everything, and particularly the orderly and prosperous; in
    some parts wicked dwarves had even made
    alliances with them. But they had a special
    grudge against Thorin’s people, because of the war which you have heard mentioned, but which does not come into this tale; and anyway goblins don’t care who they catch, as long as it is done smart and secret, and the prisoners are not able to defend themselves.”
    -JRR Tolkien, “The Hobbit”

  2. I enbented duh cracks pipe, an duh soder can weeds pipes, an shit, yo!

    An I can carjack like a mofo, uhh, mofo! Sheeit!

    I gots an EEE BEEE TEEE card! I can buy anyfink! And I ain’t got noes jobs or nuffin!

  3. Most of these have been debunked. Here’s a quick 15 of them

    “Black Inventions” fits the narrative of fake and gay especially when we’re talking drag queens.

    So when you look up the entire list on snoops or whatever fake and gay fact checking websuck, you’ll see that most of these are listed as “True” and “Mostly True” and that’s all you need to know they are actually False and Completely False. Otherwise it wouldn’t be Fake and Gay.

  4. Every time one of these lists is published trying to make certain groups seem better and smarter I question them.
    Even the drag queen woke one. Shakespeare had men dressing as women in the performances of his plays.

  5. Thanks, Beachmom
    WEDNESDAY, 3 JANUARY 2024, 6:33 AT 6:33 AM

    Even earlier reference might be the New Testament admonition againt men dressing as women and women dressing as men.

  6. Questionable:
    Kitchen table?
    Egg beater?
    Door stop?
    Dust pan?
    Bottle cap?

    Window washer!
    Lawn mower!

    Not listed:
    Crack pipe!
    Polar bear game!
    Janitor in a drum!

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