Musk Unearths Mark Cuban Admitting He’s a Racist – IOTW Report

Musk Unearths Mark Cuban Admitting He’s a Racist

9 Comments on Musk Unearths Mark Cuban Admitting He’s a Racist

  1. Yeah.
    White millionaires are often out walking in shitty neighborhoods at night.
    Mea culpa; mea culpa; mea maxima culpa.
    This hypocritical bullshit makes me want to puke – the 21st century equivalent of “Some of my best friends are negro.”

    Fuck him.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. DaveVA is exactly right. There’s a difference between prejudice and survival instinct. I’d do the same thing if I saw a group of any kids that looked like potential trouble–it’s just prudent and smart.

  3. Ok Mr Cuban,

    I have a serious question for you regarding your scenario…

    Why are you walking in a neighborhood where you don’t belong?

    That’s what you described. People you don’t know and fear will hurt you.

    Why are you walking that street? Looking for trouble? That’s what the cops are going to think.


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