Why Can’t a Politician Be Blockaded On a Road? Why Do We Have To Endure It? – IOTW Report

Why Can’t a Politician Be Blockaded On a Road? Why Do We Have To Endure It?

15 Comments on Why Can’t a Politician Be Blockaded On a Road? Why Do We Have To Endure It?

  1. This is an old video, not sure why it’s circulating again?

    Same thing happens in the air, no one can fly around them. They occupy the entire airspace 50 miles out from the city.

    You can’t even dance or piss on their grave. Well, maybe you can after enough time has passed and everyone forgont.

    But, why? CONTROL. They control you. You obey and don’t control them. Funny we call them public servants. They spend a huge portion in the public eye fluffing their aura talking about how much has been personally sacrificed to make everything so wonderful while they walk out the backroom with all the cash.

    It’s a start though, in a way. They’re afraid. As they should be.

    Unfortunately our fake economy depends on government to create jobs and throw all the money around. What’s the new spending bill republicans and Chuck Schumer are all giddy about? Oh, right $1.6 TRILLION.

    Do you control that $1.6 Trillion? No. That’s why they do what they want.

  2. Beachmom
    TUESDAY, 9 JANUARY 2024, 7:18 AT 7:18 AM

    …all good questions, but beside the point.

    The point is, thousands of commuters were blocked from getting to their jobs by protestors on the I-5 in the article yesterday, and yet no protestor is allowed to block a politician from getting to HIS.

    What makes HIM better?

    What makes HIM special?

    Why aren’t the police so enthusiastic about clearing pro-genocide protestors out of the way of ordinary citizens?

    That is the question before us here.

    And the answer is that politicians control the “good guys with guns” and we…don’t.

    …say what you will about Mao, he knew what was up with where power comes from…

  3. Just proves that the cops exist to “protect and serve” the pols – not the humans.
    Peaceful protest is a RIGHT.
    She didn’t attempt any violence.
    She didn’t attempt to impede the flow of traffic.
    The fukkin cops could have just gotten her out of the road and left it at that.
    And the filthy fukkin cop slapped her across the face!
    Clear case of assault and battery.
    Probably a fag.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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