Ray Epps Gets No Jail Time – IOTW Report

Ray Epps Gets No Jail Time

BREAKING: RAY EPPS SENTENCED TO NO JAIL TIME! – One Year Probation, $500 fine, and 100 Hours Community Service! – Lone ‘Insurrectionist’ Skates!

31 Comments on Ray Epps Gets No Jail Time

  1. There’s some retribution going to take place one of these days soon. Hopefully it’s in the form of military tribunals.
    This is a slap in the face to MAGA. An admission that this guy was a fed.

  2. Oh, heavens! I am GENUINELY shocked!

    Appalled, ya’s might say!!

    Ray Epps, the government’s man, the chief agent provocateur on the scene, who directed the activities of many other agents provocateurs and exhorted the young and excitable fellows to attack, to break in, to destroy, and was able to maintain his composure completely when more experienced fellows were pointing to him and yelling FED! in his face, has been sentenced!!!

    And a harsh sentence it is as well, A YEAR on probation, so he can meet with his handlers for further planning and direction on a regular schedule, in the open!!!!

    A $500.00 fine, to be paid out of his expense account with .gov!!!!!

    A hundred hours community service, so he can engage in advanced training with his .gov employers!!!!!!

    As an added bonus, communist media can now crow that Ray Ray was NOT a .gov agent, after all, he’s been convicted and sentenced and they would NEVER do such a thing to one of their own!!!!!!!

    My exclamation point tapper is getting tired, so, in conclusion… Laws, laws, we has reached the promised land and JUST-US has been done!!!!!!!!

  3. Ray Epps did not commit suicide.

    Meanwhile, the guy from the Babylon Bee was arrested in public at an airport 2-1/2 years later on misdemeanor charges while Epps, who did much more than Trump did, barely gets a slap on the wrist and even that was only because the corruptocrats couldn’t do nothing.

    Sad part is, if Epps should Arkancide himself by an unapproved cause, the STATSI will investigate that case more than they did the Kennedy assassination.

    The beatings will continue until morale improves.

  4. “I suspect Epps has more serious things to worry about now.”

    Pretty sure I read this guy is ex .mil. And a contractor. Yea, if that’s true he has a few things to worry about.

  5. Bob
    TUESDAY, 9 JANUARY 2024, 15:19 AT 3:19 PM
    “He will have a probation officer to visit unless they change that procedure too.”

    …they’ll make Pedo Joe his probation officer. Once a week he’ll go to the White House for brunch. They will laugh and laugh about their parts in the greatest fraud ever, and then the SS will bring the bound children in…

  6. “Attorney General Merrick Garland has vowed to pursue ‘all’ Jan. 6 suspects, even if they didn’t enter the Capitol or weren’t present there that day.”

    He just made this statement. So what qualifies you as a Jan. 6 suspect. If you’re a Trump supporter they will come after you. Plan accordingly.

  7. BRAD

    You are right!
    His 100% different treatment from the conservatives is prima facia, if not, proof positive J6 was a UNIPARTY “FALSE FLAG”!

    Liz and Jo set this up to give them Nan excuse to go after conservatives i.e President Trump!

  8. Brad,
    “Attorney General Merrick Garland has vowed to pursue ‘all’ Jan. 6 suspects, even if they didn’t enter the Capitol or weren’t present there that day.”

    Sooooo……I wasn’t even in DC that day, much less enter the Capital building.
    Is Garlic going to come after me? I’ll leave the light on for him.

  9. “Neanderthal B Woodman ”

    And mean while they’re trying every conceivable angle to get your guns. Pretty funny people.

    I’m gonna leave the light on too, because you know it will be dark. But I’ll be across the street.

  10. Because he wouldn’t last 2 seconds in jail.

    Too many guys fathers, brothers, uncles, sons, grandfathers, great-uncles, etc. went to the Big House because Brandon wanted to “work” (read play errand boy) to the racists because he wanted to get a head.


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