Chinese’s Official Imports Fall Behind Mexico’s – IOTW Report

Chinese’s Official Imports Fall Behind Mexico’s

Nikkia Asia

China was likely knocked off the perch as the top exporter to the U.S. for the first time since 2006 last year, outpaced by Mexico as tensions between the world’s two largest economies reshape supply chains.

American goods imports from China dropped more than 20% on the year for the January-November period, according to U.S. Commerce Department data released this week. China accounted for 13.9% of total U.S. imports, the smallest share since 2004, after peaking at more than 21% around 2017. U.S. exports to China have stayed roughly flat on the year. More

Note: Read the article through to see how the Chinese are playing a shell game of transhipments through other nations to massage the import numbers. – Dr. Tar

8 Comments on Chinese’s Official Imports Fall Behind Mexico’s

  1. Does the report score the human trafficing? Do they price the unaccompanied minors different from the 20-something males? Of which demographic is Joetato getting his 10%?

  2. Dr. Tar, that’s textbook “burying the lede”. Or ledes, as it were, the other lede being the Biden administrations continuation of Trump’s tariffs, which they railed against vociferously at the time the tariffs were imposed.

    And no mention of who controls the Panama Canal, the Belt & Road Initiative or BRICS. Looks like Nikkei Asia is trying to spin for its ailing American ally.

  3. sounds like they are counting the chinese made fentanyl as a mexican import. border patrol needs to start implementing cavity search for all border crossings. simpletons still have not figured out how the fentanyl is getting across. if it was up their a$$ they would know.


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