House Judiciary Committee Passes Contempt Resolution Against Hunter Biden – IOTW Report

House Judiciary Committee Passes Contempt Resolution Against Hunter Biden

Fox News

The House Judiciary Committee passed a resolution to hold Hunter Biden in contempt of Congress for defying a congressional subpoena as part of the House impeachment inquiry against President Biden, setting up a full vote on the House floor in the coming days that would recommend the first son for prosecution.  More

The ball will soon be in Merrick Garland’s court. Will he uphold justice or politics? -Dr. Tar

17 Comments on House Judiciary Committee Passes Contempt Resolution Against Hunter Biden

  1. One year probation, a $25 fine, $500 restitution and 100 hours of community service. Hunter is hopeful that helping hookers that are down on their luck will serve as community service.

  2. The DOJ and the FBI have failed at every step, indicating a complicit and corrupt dereliction of their sworn oath.

    The two tiered judicial system is no longer concealed,
    the partisanship and cover-up of illegal activities are out to be seen by those who have eyes to see.

    I pray the United States will return to the impartiality of enforcing the Law. Let us start at the DOJ and FBI to begin enforcing the laws they have broken.

  3. Sooner or later his get out of jail card signed by his daddy will expire and let’s hope it will be sooner. But Hell will probably freeze over first. The one court that he or anyone else will not ever escape is God’s court of eternal justice. One can only hope but with this worthless, corrupt justice dept. it ain’t gonna happen in his lifetime.

  4. Hunter is a distraction. A potential sacrifice to keep the minds of the masses off of the Big Guy.

    Hunter in prison would make an immeasurably small difference in our future as a nation. The Big Guy is the prize. The golden ring.

    Don’t misunderstand me, I want Hunter to pay for his misdeeds.

  5. ^ Perhaps the Deep State will sacrifice The Big Guy to keep the distraction going!

    Because the Deep State – and the internatiional players who run it – can’t afford for us to focus on THEM!

  6. Given the GOP history over the last 30 years, it is safe to say Huntie and his sperm donor the pedophile is safe. That threesome was just awesome, what a hand to draw to. Tell ya what, I saw those three coming up the sidewalk I’d tuck my hand into my left coat pocket and move off to the side. Holy moly! The works of the soul written on the face, my goodness.


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