Man Presents DeSantis With Participation Trophy in Iowa – IOTW Report

Man Presents DeSantis With Participation Trophy in Iowa

What’s Plan B if Trump is bounced from running?

17 Comments on Man Presents DeSantis With Participation Trophy in Iowa

  1. “What’s Plan B if Trump is bounced from running?”

    I’m thinking there’s no plan B. DeSantes sold his soul to the Bush’s. Haley is a Globalist war monger. Nobody trust Vivek. Hate me if you must but if Trump is prevented from running I’ll waste my vote on RFK jr. And I’ll tell you why. Number one I think he’s genuine. Number two and paramount, he sees the danger in the deep state and wants it destroyed, same as Trump and in my mind the biggest danger to or countries future is the deep state. Number three, he’ll do a lot less damage to the country than Hailey or DeSantis.

  2. ^^^^^ I agree.
    Writing in Trump does nothing. If he’s off the ballot, he can’t be president, even if everyone writes him in. The constitution says he is barred from HOLDING office.

  3. Writing in Trump does nothing? How in the hell do us Trumpsters voice our outrage, by voting for RFK Jr.? I’m not convinced. Within 12 months we will either take drastic action or drastic action will be taken against us. We don’t have much time left. We may have already lost out country, it just isn’t official yet.

  4. Joe6
    Absolutely true. They hate them both for the same reason. They’re a threat to our enemies. I’m praying nightly for Trump. But a Hailey or a DeSantis are a clown show.

  5. Plan B is the same as Plan A and C and L. We’re screwed by the vote counters. But hey, as long as the lights stay on and I can charge my EV and be tracked to my 4 jobs, soon to be 5 jobs, everything is grand, right..? right??

  6. DeSantis has no sense of humor. He’s an insecure, man-child needing to be told by the Bush Clan what to do next.
    President Trump would have laughed off the stunt and taken a picture with the guy – not react like he was about to be attacked by a terrorist.

    Notice how DeSantis’ wife steps in to act as defense. She’s his nurse maid. God help us if this wimp becomes president in the future.

  7. What’s Plan B if Trump is bounced from running?

    He at one time was my Plan A. Heh Brad, I happen to agree with you and your assessment of the “plan.” Who do you trust? I trust no one. That’s how bad it’s gotten, everyone you mentioned Brad is a problem – including Trump. If our Creator wants Trump to be Prez, he will make it happen, and not by me or you.

  8. Wiredog, I wish we had a PRESIDENT DeSantis.
    He was always plan B. Otherwise Nikki is the nominee.
    Nobody was going to beat Trump if he is “allowed” to run.

    Some here are WAY too dumb to know better, oh well.
    You know who they are, very ignorant fools.
    They can vote for RFK and then whine when biden* gets a second term.


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