Kamala Having Sex Again… She’s Here to —- the Nation – IOTW Report

Kamala Having Sex Again… She’s Here to —- the Nation

17 Comments on Kamala Having Sex Again… She’s Here to —- the Nation

  1. Impeach Biden, first you need a impeachable reason, yet you have none. Commie & Gym Jordon are coming up empty. Unlike, well Mr Bankruptcy king, he has plenty-o-reasons, all are the UPMOST impeachable offenses.

  2. @Anon AT 5:44 PM:

    Imagine having a vice president whose only qualification is giving good blowsjobs to old men?…

    At least Kakamala’s qualification has positive value, at least to those old men. Compare that to having a president* with no valuable qualifications whatsoever.

    p.s. I wasn’t referring to you (whoever the Hell you are) about those upthumbs!

  3. “Impeach Biden, first you need a impeachable reason……”

    There’s proof, right there, that most liberals cannot/do not and will not do their own thinking.

    Apparently, they believe communism is the answer because communism tells you what/where/when and how to think so you don’t have to strain what’s left of your brain.

  4. NEVER hire black woman for any job requiring critical outcome. Just ask that corrupt moron Fanni Willis:

    “You Cannot Expect Black Women to be Perfect” – Fani Willis Plays Race Card After Allegations of ‘Improper’ Relationship with Top Trump Prosecutor


    Heed her words, man, or die in a “Fani” piloted plane, or on a “Fani” operating table, or living in a “Fani” architect building. You get the rest.

  5. Don’t need to come up with reasons to impeach Biden. Forensic evidence, bank records, concealed email accounts, his own videos, testimony from his family, victims, and coconspirators are enough for me. President Trump on the other hand, has to defend himself against Soros, Hollywood, academia, the MSM, the U S government, and thoroughly corrupted D As and judges. They still cannot find anything wrong.

  6. Can we make a deal here fellow commenters? If you aren’t a leftist retard pick a screen name. Anything. So we can skip past Anonymous without reading. If you’re not that dickless wonder, don’t share his name.
    It’ll save everyone a lot of time.

  7. Uncle Al – Clueless Joe has done plenty for many and that’s why they keep him around. He hasn’t done anything for you and me…but then we’re not the ones who put him on the throne or are keeping him on the throne.

  8. In our dumbed-down, self-absorbed, spoon-fed, celebrity-obsessed, White guilt-ridden, Kool-Aid drinking, Politically Correct, Kumbaya-singing, Xanax-disabled, Rainbow Plantation of hypocritical bobble-headed Kia Hamsters residing in the Big Bubbling vat of ineptitude called Washington DC, I don’t think we’ll ever be able to use the word ‘niggardly’ again without being called racists!


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