Justice For Little Boy Murdered in 1989 – IOTW Report

Justice For Little Boy Murdered in 1989

Watch this video-

Now, read the story.

8 Comments on Justice For Little Boy Murdered in 1989

  1. But 50 years from now we STILL won’t have seen ONE arrest, charge, or conviction in the Epstein child molestation cases. Glad to see some justice, but I am concerned whenever “new technology” is the ONLY thing that can “solve” the case. The scene at the camper absolutely seemed a bit sketchy though.

  2. …yeeah, that performance…red flags, red flags everywhere…not sure why the cops wouldn’t have looked there to begin with, even with legit “missing children” they often find them hiding on the property (or dead on the property, depending), so it ain’t the LAST place you look…

  3. A woman here in the county (apparently) killed her daughter and burned the body and the “judge” let her walk after some 3 years of investigation by the Sheriff’s Office. She opted for a bench trial – worked out great for her – daughter’s still dead, though.

    Ain’t no justice here on Earth.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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