Lawfare Against Trump Is Running Out of Gas – IOTW Report

Lawfare Against Trump Is Running Out of Gas

Prosecutors are discovering that the more they seek to rush to judgment before the election and gag Trump from speaking publicly about these proceedings, the more he rises in the polls.

20 Comments on Lawfare Against Trump Is Running Out of Gas

  1. Hadnt read ann coulter in years. Bumped in to a recent column where she theorizes that this is all a plot by the dems to ensure that Trump is the nominee cause then fjb wins in a landslide.

    What happened to that poor girl? Shes as crazy as a shithouse rat.

  2. I get a kick out of the videos with all black men saying DJT is their nigga. A lot of them reference the unfair way the “justice” system has pegged him.

    I wonder what the real percentage is of black males that support him.

  3. I am more of the opinion that this is actually deeper than what you posit. They know FJB cannot win, against ANY R nominee. The deeper plan very well could be to make sure it is Trump then spring a switcheroo, dumping Biden/Harris completely for something they think will energize their base to the point it swamps Trump. Counting heavily on the hate trump segment of the R and I groups. Remember they operate on raw emotions, not logic.

    Wishful thinking on their part? Maybe, but I can see them trying to get Obama II with Michelle and some other “star” to be named for energetic reasons.

    Guess we are all going to find out soon enough.

  4. We need to be wary of the DNC(CCP-style) long game. They learn from their mistakes and lay back to pounce at the next opportunity. They just mistakenly jumped too soon this particular time, a calculated risk. I may not be alive next time opportunity presents nor will most of them since they’re as old or older than I but it will happen.

  5. Next stop on Biden’s Krazy Train: WWIII, Chaos, Mayhem, Martial Law and lots of funerals.
    With ten months to go, it looks like a count-down:
    1: Sorry, no election!

  6. Interesting, 3 lawyers who were representing Trump in his upcoming cases just quit. Oops.
    High profile lawyer Joe Tacopina & his 2 partners withdrew representing him in the E. Jean Carroll & the hush money criminal case aka Stormy Daniels porn star case. Carroll case begins tomorrow. Quit for non-payment, fool for a client or both reasons?. Ouch, thats gotta hurt.

  7. SNS

    Mkay, anyhow Anoymutt fails to point out PDJT was merely consolidating his defense counsels into one NY centric group and the lawyers that supposedky “bailed” we already scheduled to depart anyway due to jurisdictional obsolescence and
    redundancy. Anoymutt would never let the truth get in the way of a good Alphabet narrative though…

  8. The commies have the mistaken opinion that normal people are not drawn along by events. At one time it would have been unheard of to take the lord’s name in vain in a publication. By now no one makes a comment when that comes up. Likewise, at one time perverts were tolerated as long as they remained properly closeted. Now they insist on being glorified and screwing our children on television.

    The point is, the bullshit suits against Trump by the minions of the state, mostly affirmative action diversity hires and leftist cock holsters of various sorts, no longer create the aversion to the subject they once did. That is, they don’t tar Trump just by accusation and charging, in fact even conviction won’t likely have the desired effect except on a tiny minority of elderly ladies.

    By spreading their nihilism the commiecrats have lit their own petard by which they will soon find themselves hoist. I look forward to the explosion with great anticipation of the coming pleasure in the splattering of the evil ideology.


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