Guy Makes 56 Varieties of Grilled Cheese – IOTW Report

Guy Makes 56 Varieties of Grilled Cheese

Guy knows his cheese-

22 Comments on Guy Makes 56 Varieties of Grilled Cheese


    Stinky Darlin’ Nikki just gave her victory speech

    She’s a WINNER!

    It’s a 2 person race

    . . . basically she droned on and on . . but . . .
    here is what I heard. . .

    I closed my eyes
    just for a moment
    now the moments gone
    but I know what I heard
    tell me if you heard it too

    listen to nikkis victory speech as if it was the first time
    close your eyes
    do you hear it???

    Is it Nikki or Hillery?

    Thank goodness the moment is gone
    It was a nasty


    I’m going to take a wild shot and say you were watching FOX. Fox gave Trump, the winner, maybe ten minutes. They gave Mr Second place Ronda about 5 minutes. They gave Nikki all night to babble. Really?

  3. Guess I’ll have to try parmigiano reggiano, it’s always in the fridge, but I never thought of it as good for grilled cheese. I typically grab cheddar, swiss, maybe some provolone (which he hated, but I have American version), mozzarella, or whatever random cheese is in the fridge, MIX THEM UP all on the sandwich and it’s usually pretty good with a bowl of tomato soup or ketchup and potato chips (with ketchup on the chips too). Add in homemade sourdough, some tomato slices and ham.

  4. I wasn’t aware that there were 56 varieties of cheese.
    I don’t think I could name 10.

    All that cheese sounds French – I can’t watch a 25 min. video – it would take 2 or 3 hours.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. If you haven’t cooked with Gruyère cheese, you need to at least try it. It’s just plain delicious! I like it in lasagna, on top of spaghetti and pizza. It’s not cheap, however, so you have to have “a cheese budget.”

  6. Been making non-greasy cheese sandwiches for a while now, toast the bread, put the cheese in, slam it in the microwave for about 10-15 seconds. But I also think eating food is a necessity, nothing more 😀

  7. Best melting cheese for grilled sammiches or paninis is Fontina. Mild but not to the point of boring so it’s good all by itself but it’s excellent to grate and mix with sharp cheddar or your fave bold flavor cheese for best balance of texture and taste. Try it!


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