COVID-19 Vaccine-induced Myocarditis is Killing Millions of People Now. – IOTW Report

COVID-19 Vaccine-induced Myocarditis is Killing Millions of People Now.

Emerald Robinson writes:

I woke up this morning and read the news that Warriors assistant coach Dejan Milojevic had a sudden heart attack and died on Tuesday during a team dinner. He was 46.

That same day, British sports journalist Mike Dickson died suddenly at the age of 59. The cause of death was conspicuous by its absence in the obituaries — but the man collapsed and died without warning at the Australian Open.The day before yesterday, former NFL linebacker Ronald Powell died at the age of 32. No cause of death was announced — of course.There’s a kind of perverse silence running through these obituaries in our newspapers now. You’re told now that it’s impolite to inquire about the cause of death. You simply need to accept that sudden cardiac arrest can strike down healthy athletes in the prime of youth.

They’ve forced us to translate what their headlines mean to glean the truth:“

Died suddenly” = killed by the vaccine
“Sudden heart attack” = killed by the vaccine
“After a brief illness” = killed by the vaccine
“Died unexpectedly” = killed by the vaccine
“No cause of death was listed” = killed by the vaccine

I made the mistake of typing the phrase “football player dies” into Google as I looked for more information on Ronald Powell’s death and so I got these sickening results.

Brace yourself.

Look at the dates. Look at the ages.

Boys who were 12 years old.

Boys who were 15 years old.

I couldn’t read the headlines all the way through. I could almost hear the sobbing of their stricken families rising from the words like a howling wind. I could see the funerals —the frozen ground in winter being freshly dug up for the new graves.

I could see the mothers driven almost insane by grief in their black clothes.There seemed to be one word being chanted everywhere: death.Death. Death. Death. Death. Death.And the chanting is only getting louder.

There’s no way serious adverse effects are limited to only 1 in 800 per shot. There’s no way that the death toll from the “vaccines” will be only 17 million — that’s far too low.

Why? Because 17 millions doesn’t move the needle for the depopulation cultists. That’s a rounding error in terms of global population rates. That’s why the vaccines are contaminated with plasmid DNA. That’s why no government on earth will allow public access to the vaccine and mortality data. That’s why New Zealand is busy prosecuting its own vaccine data administrator for leaking the data showing that COVID vaccines increase the risk of myocarditis by over 25X.Our corrupt elites, you see, are much more ambitious and much more evil than you can possibly imagine.

Dr. Michael Yeadon recently tried to describe the scale of their crimes against humanity.

The phrases you should remember: multiple deliberate toxicitiesNever could be safe. You would never pick the spike protein. Black swan event.Dr. Mike Yeadon tried to warn you. Dr. Luc Montagnier tried to warn you. Dr. Zev Zelenko tried to warn you. Dr. Robert Malone tired to warn you. Dr. Peter McCullough tried to warn you. Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche tried to warn you.

I tried to warn you.
Emerald Robinson’s The Right Way is the #1 conservative blog on Substack — recommended by over 240 other Substack authors! Get 20% off for 1 year


28 Comments on COVID-19 Vaccine-induced Myocarditis is Killing Millions of People Now.

  1. Yet dumbasses like this are still walkin, talkin & breathin.
    Selective killing? Trump has gotten all the shots & boosters, same for Biden, same for million of people world wide.
    POS like this selling stories of bullshit, useless trash which the far-right embraces. What’s her name again? It doesn’t matter what her name is.

  2. I have an old school friend that was gung ho about the vaccines, got the jab and the boosters. Now he’s suffering from a series of mini strokes (Transient Ischemic Attacks). He’s a pretty healthy guy, eats right and exercises, not overweight, blood pressure OK etc. Right now the docs have him on blood thinners and no heavy physical activity. Who knows, I hope he is OK.

  3. Funny that some actually believe that those in the WEF upper crust actually received the vax, as opposed to just a saline solution.

    Seems odd that old fucks in power aren’t dropping like flies compared to young healthy althletic types…

    Nothing like ignoring the obvious.

  4. let’s see…..hide the results for 75 years, exempt Congress and Pfizer employees from taking the shit and anyone questioning it was thrown in a Gulag…..seems safe to me?

  5. I noticed this, too. None of the “died suddenly” obits mention anything about the cause. It’s like these people simply dropped off the face of the Earth or something. Die in a car crash? Cause of death is listed. Eaten by a shark? Cause of death is listed. Fall off a mountain? Cause of death is listed. “Died suddenly”? Dont’ ask, don’t tell, apparently.

  6. Anonymous, are you fully jabbed and boosted? You sound angry and worried. And also in deep denial of facts.

    But you’re right, there a lot of FJ&B people who seem just fine. And that’s a good thing, right? So fret not, and take ir one day at a time.

    Have you gotten your bivalent yet?

  7. A naive friend, fully vaxxed and boosted, admitted to ER with leg pain. Found a clot from groin to ankle. Then they found clots in lungs, then she tested positive for Covid for the 3rd time, now pneumonia. This morning they got the leg clot, no word on when they go for lung clots. Doctors told her these problems were because of Covid, not the shots. She believes her doctors. Sickening.

  8. Friend of a friend son 19 died in his sleep.
    Parents had autopsy – “no reason for his death was found.”
    I think I know the reason, and it makes me so sad and so angry for all those in my own family who willingly took the shots, and continue to take the boosters.
    They know my stance, but cannot seem to change the road they have begun to travel down. (and down is an apt word)

  9. I look at the obituaries in a couple online, hometown papers. Have done so for years. I began noticing the “died suddenly/unexpectedly” a couple years ago for younger people. Sometimes when an obit is written this way it’s because it was a suicide or drug O.D.

    I know one thing for certain: I have never seen so many reports of young people, otherwise healthy people/athletes, dying suddenly of reported heart attacks prior to 2021. It’s like several a week now. I personally know of a couple people who had super high heart rate after taking the shot and had to be hospitalized. I found out recently that an acquaintance of mine passed away; her coworker explained she refused taking the shot but did so in order to go on a cruise with family. She apparently had a heart attack a short time later she was not old, probably mid 40s.

    I have not and will not take the shot. Everyone else in my family has. My wife gave me shit about it. My mom and her husband got two shots each and have wised-up and told me “no more.” My daughters in law both miscarried, one twice, but have since bore children. Anecdotal, perhaps.

    I can’t stomach the thought that a new pandemic appears to be in the works (disease X) and we’ll go through this all again.

  10. Several things we know are that there is atrocious lot to lot consistency with these jabs, that VAERS data shows far more deaths and injuries for certain lots than others, and that NOBODY of any “importance” was ACTUALLY given the jab, lest they keel over and die following administration. Also, these are GENETIC EXPERIMENTS and everyone is genetically different, so the effects would be expected to be different. Sorry to interject some facts and science.

  11. Graceia
    THURSDAY, 18 JANUARY 2024, 17:34 AT 5:34 PM
    “Friend of a friend son 19 died in his sleep.
    Parents had autopsy – “no reason for his death was found.””

    …I saw this about 6 mos into the burn, just after the vaxxxes were released. Called into a bathroom by my panicked boss because there was a dead 19 yo stretched out beside the toilet. Tried to get him back, AED saw nothing shockable, never got ROSC, also freaked out the EHS guy who joined me when I had to explain to him the vocalization was my breath coming back out, nothing he was doing. Squad tried, hospital tried, God said no.

    Long story short, after months of delay got the autopsy report. Nice folks the coroner’s office staff, even comped me the report when they found out mine was the last breath he tool. Report was trash, didn’t agree with itself or the treatments apparently attempted in squad and hospital, skipped vaxxxx status entirely, and wound up with a Cause of Death of “Cardiac Arrhythmia Of Undetermined Etiology”.

    Put another way, when an otherwise healthy 19 yo with NO hx or toxicology issues suddenly died in a bathroom at work, they just threw up their hands and said “Heart stopped, we don’t know why, oh well”.

    Found out later he had just got the vaxxx, told his line lead he wasn’t feeling good, then went off and died alone with one hand in a toilet.

    No reason for death. Nothing to see here, 19 yos die every day, nicht wahr?

    Move along.

    ….seems like that’s getting to be a pretty standard response. Move along. Here, have another shot. Move along. Children die of blood clots, women miscarry, teen agers get myocarditis so bad they carry water like a 70 yo in CHF.

    Nothing to see here, move along.

    …it seems they want us to quietly move along all right.

    Right into the grave.

  12. Anybody remember this bumbling criminal moron after having attached himself like a cancerous leech to the Democrat Party and threateningly saying this:

    “What we have here is a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated!”

    …with his overhanging threat of losing one’s job, business, or any other means of making a living or support while killing off the ICU-ed elderly, who don’t increase a bank account he can steal from, through the Senate and Congress…(and Wall Street). After all, it’s not his fault he, and is cronies, know how to work the system after all these years of lies (ie., they’re lifers).

    What we REALLY have here is a criminal psychopath who has actively and flagrantly participated in a coup of our election system, and the destruction to the sovereignty of Our Country by way of COVID-19, as well as, opening the borders, and then, going deaf.

    His “white House” political labor might remember this: “the American People will come after you”. At least, thank God, some of Our American People working for him, listened.

    I only hope and pray that the remaining Americans listen a little closer. After all, only Americans who listen to each other can truly love and defend each other all the way…

    And…only the Guys are totally capable of a Ten-Hut! All the rest simply just disappear as they always have done in our histories full of our beautiful Women.

  13. Not only did the female comedian get smacked down for mocking that she got the jab and then blasphemed Jesus. Right as she said it, boom, she hit the floor. Now she’s got to worry about that pesky killer Myocarditis. Then there’s that famous cardiologist who said he wouldn’t cry at any unjabbed perso’s funeral if they died from covid. He died in his sleep…early 50’s. My point? The suffering through public Karen’s, and chased out of stores for not wearing a mask, was worth it all in the end because I didn’t give in to their nonsense. I’m still here by the Grace of God, and I listened to Him.

  14. We will simply go along with the genocide. We will just put our heads down and carry on. We will do nothing to punish the murderers, many in Davos at the moment. Our survival instinct is buried under our civilization. We value our comfort over our very lives.


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