The Left Accuses Trump of Having Syphilis – IOTW Report

The Left Accuses Trump of Having Syphilis

27 Comments on The Left Accuses Trump of Having Syphilis

  1. I linked this here a day or two ago. How would this hick know what Syphilis on your hand looks like unless Mary Matalin gave it to him. Any petty insult. Its disgusting and amazing all at the same time.

  2. SNS setting the record straight – it’s not the President, it’s the pResident with this “issue”…in 3..2..1.. Seriously, take it away my friend.

  3. 99th Squad Leader
    FRIDAY, 19 JANUARY 2024, 1:01 AT 1:01 AM

    …as you say, 99, the person displaying the symptoms of long-term untreated syphilis, or neurosyphilis/general paresis/tabes dorsalis on a daily basis is none other than noted perverted pedophile Joe Biden.

    to wit;

    “General paresis
    This form can appear decades after you’re infected with syphilis, and it can cause lasting issues. However, it’s fairly rare today because of advances in the screening, treatment, and prevention of STIs.

    If it develops, general paresis may lead to several health problems, including:

    mood swings
    emotional troubles
    personality changes
    weakened muscles
    a loss of the ability to utilize language
    It can also progress to dementia.

    Tabes dorsalis
    This form of neurosyphilis is also rare. It can start to affect the spinal cord 20 years or more after the initial syphilis infection. Its symptoms include:

    trouble balancing
    a loss of coordination
    an altered walk
    vision problems
    pains in the abdomen, arms, and legs”

    …sounds a lot like a certain fraudulently installed fake “pResident”, nicht wahr?

    Almost like they are following the “principals” set forth by the Communist mentor of Barry Soetoro, Saul Alinsky…

    “Accuse your opponent of what you are doing, to create confusion and to inculcate voters against evidence of your own guilt”
    -Saul Alinsky, “Rules for Radicals”

  4. Why does James Carville hate his country?
    Simple… he’s a democRAT! Just like lawyers, 95% of the democRATz give the rest of them a bad name. It’s the Hate America Mob.

  5. Carville, the Democrat, anti-American, Syphilitic propagandist.

    He is a has-been in the democrat campaign apparatus and none of his comments play, unless the corrupt Media picks up his False, outlandish assertions.

    Carville is a Shock Jock, will say anything to get his name in the public realm and get monetized clicks.

    Political Whore of the greatest magnitude.

  6. General Malaise Friday, 19 January 2024, 7:39 at 7:39 am

    Defamation lawsuit. Take his house.

    Trump wouldn’t want his house, it’s a shack compared to Trump’s Mar-a-Lago. I took a virtual tour of the house a couple of years ago, it was all done up in faggot pink, just like lizard head’s face. .

  7. Thank you, SNS for your perspective on who really displays the symptoms of Syphilis. Great analysis.
    Of course, it’s not President Trump.

    The Alinsky quote SNS provided accurately describes the tactic Carville is desperately using to get attention. Another distraction from Biden’s demented and corrupt behavior.

    It sounds like Carville is speaking from personal experience. He has no shame. Incredible how far the left will go to attempt to destroy a political opponent. No matter the ridiculousness of the accusations.

  8. Syphilis is on the rise, but these hand lesions are not syphilis. Syphilis starts as a chancre that disappears in a few weeks, this is on your privates. Weeks later you get the secondary form that is generalized, again lasting weeks and gone. Sometime later, you get the 3rd form that destroys brain, blood vessels, etc. Nothing on the hand.

    What Trump has is blisters from shaking hands. In other words he thought enough of his voters to suffer pain in order for them to be allowed contact with him. Put like that it really make the liberals to look worse than usual.

  9. 99th

    Yep, those blisters are from swinging a golf club. They cracked the case wide open last night on IG with some hilarious comments.
    Common consensus was Libtards couldn’t figure it out because they’ve never worked that hard at anything.

  10. It’s a miracle, President Trump is functional. The army of evil minions lying, persecuting, obstructing and committing lawfare against him is overwhelming.
    Golf is one of the great ways to work off the stress.


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