Guy Pranks His Mother Into Believing Emergency Alert Warning of Invading UFOs – IOTW Report

Guy Pranks His Mother Into Believing Emergency Alert Warning of Invading UFOs

12 Comments on Guy Pranks His Mother Into Believing Emergency Alert Warning of Invading UFOs

  1. Lights out everybody and get ready to have the living bejeezus scared out of you. One of the scariest episodes of X Minus One is the Ray Bradbury story Zero Hour with the kids playing a game of Invasion with aliens the parents can’t see until the end where the mom and dad are running upstairs to escape, and the mom let’s out a blood curdling scream as the door starts to disintegrate the door with their ray guns when the aliens are after them. I scared the snot out of my daughter playing this one time. She also didn’t like the invisible aliens in Signs either when the alien appeared under the door, she just about jumped into the guy’s lap sitting next to her. And Abbot and Costello Meets Frankenstein freaks her out as well just like it did to Fat Albert.

  2. That video made me cringe. I never heard my mother, let alone any other adult woman, use the f-word when I was growing up. Just one more indicator of the declining morality in America. May God have mercy on us.


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