Gazan Uncle Says He Amputated His Niece’s Leg With Scissors – IOTW Report

Gazan Uncle Says He Amputated His Niece’s Leg With Scissors

21 Comments on Gazan Uncle Says He Amputated His Niece’s Leg With Scissors

  1. There have been 1000s upon 1000s of kids maimed and/or killed. No compassion? Yes the Palestinians have faked before. They are not now. The children dying under the rubble are not faking it.

  2. No compassion for Satan’s children.
    Palestinians are liars, deceivers, murderers, racists, rapists, torturers, and volunteers to Evil.
    Fuck them.
    They’ve been spreading Evil for thousands of years.

    And as for “Yes the Palestinians have faked before.”
    Fool me once, shame on you.
    Fool me twice, shame on me.

    Fuck them. (I reiterate)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Meh.

    I’ve been in cars where flight surgeons have done emergency amputations.

    Assuming this is real at all, let’s see dude do this with an upside-down patient in a mangled Japanese beer can on a highway by Streamlight.

  4. You know how to avoid this in future?

    Don’t go out raping and slaughtering unarmed civilians out of the blue one sunny day in the name of your counterfeit god and maybe the more powerful bear you poked won’t have to shoot back.

    Just skip the genocidal atrocity your guys committed first, and you get to keep your leg, savvy?

    …give peace a chance and your lower limbs will have one too…

  5. @DaveVA SATURDAY, 20 JANUARY 2024, 1:53 AT 1:53 AM

    Go fuck yourself. These kids are being raised to be terrorists just like their parents. The root has to be killed too, or the weed comes back.

    Now say the same thing about all the kids that don’t even get to draw a breath here in America because their “mother” murders them so she can keep going out and fuck random men.

  6. Arthur Harris speeding through London at night was pulled over by a Policeman.
    The Policeman said, “You need to slow down, you’re gonna kill someone.”

    Harris said “Young man, I kill thousands of people every night!”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. cato SATURDAY, 20 JANUARY 2024, 10:19 AT 10:19 AM

    I knew a fine gentleman who flew right seat on well over a score of those missions and he was damn proud of it.

    One of his lines was “We killed a damn site more than the atom bombs”

    Back in the day before we got WOKE he would speak at high schools talking about what they did. Can you imagine what it would be like if he was still with us and allowed to do it today?

    Miss the old fart.


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