Vicious Kitten – IOTW Report

Vicious Kitten

16 Comments on Vicious Kitten

  1. I love cats, and yes, even domesticated cats still have predatory instincts.

    However, WRT 6packs’s video, wild cats even when partially domesticated, can turn on their ‘owners’ in an instant.

    Interesting and good that the one in 6packs’s video hasn’t – yet. I suppose it helps when they can burn off their steam outdoors a lot.

  2. My kitties save me from spiders, flies, moths, and ants. That’s all they get since they don’t go outside. We feed the birds outside our living room sliders and they hunker down there to watch the parade.

    Not only birds, but squirrels, chipmunks, deer, turkey, bobwhites, and pileated woodpeckers are their entertainment!

  3. Cats are wired the same as humans and dogs, you never know. I feed a feral cat that hisses at me every time I walk out to put food in a bowl on my back porch. A bowl it will be eating out of as soon I close the door. It happens every night. But I don’t trust it, I’ve learned without getting stitches from other cats over the years.

  4. @SNS:

    Cats never forget they are predators.
    You should never forget that about them either.

    As @Zonga pointed out some time back, when a cat reaches out and touches you gently with its paw, it isn’t being affectionate. It’s checking to see if you’re still alive.

  5. My daughter and her family were down over the holidays and she confessed how mad she use to get as a kid when I would call cats “The Disposable Pet”. They live on 10 acres right up by the Cal Oregon border and went onto say it took her no time at all to figure out I was right.
    They’ve SSSed a couple very large furry critters up there out of necessity,

  6. IMO, they are the most beautiful of mammals. Nothing can compete with them in that regard.

    God did make lots of beautiful animals of other types of course – fish, birds, and some insects like butterflies.


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