Does anyone know what this means ? – IOTW Report

Does anyone know what this means ?

Biden said he’s going to teach Trump and told him he better not mess with ” UHHIMINAUHWemerica.”

21 Comments on Does anyone know what this means ?

  1. Imagine if you will, a country with a government so deeply corrupted and a people so inured to or apathetic toward said corruption that Mencken’s moron is installed through blatant fraud into the ‘highest office in the land’ and, unable to obtain English syntax or verbiage from his obviously disintegrating brain produces such a statement in a public venue yet is not immediately removed and replaced with a moron who can obtain English syntax and verbiage!

    That may be the longest sentence I have ever written and declined to recast.

    America, fuck yeah!

  2. The kid in the video is actually crying a bit, as well he should, because he knows that Biden and the Half-African Magic Negro have seriously hurt his future. “Straight up.”

  3. It means that like all people with diminishing mental faculties he has “word search” problems. He has trouble remembering the word “America” and his mnemonic device to help him remember is “I’m in America.”

  4. The syphlitic fuck was trying to say “Women of America America but his grossly infected brain mush produced thus gobbledygook.

    It won’t be long now until Manchelle McSwingingDong steps up. Probably after the global cabal implements its false flag MAGA based assassination of Pedo Peter McShitstick…


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