Even an Avowed “Conservative” Trump Hater Says Today’s Verdict is Ridiculous – IOTW Report

Even an Avowed “Conservative” Trump Hater Says Today’s Verdict is Ridiculous

Before liberal juries lost ALL sense of reality, an adult’s LIFE (with 0 pain/suffering) in wrongful DEATH cases was rarely valued much >than million. Even with inflation, NO elderly person’s reputation could be close to this value & there isn’t even evidence of real damage here! -John Zeigler

A reader commented –

Defamation damages are supposed to approximate the monetary damages from the lie – lost wages, feesz, royalties etc. It is impossible to see how she was damaged in an amount anywhere close to $84m. Hell it’s actually hard to see how she was damaged $1. – One Eyed Man in the Land of the Blind

23 Comments on Even an Avowed “Conservative” Trump Hater Says Today’s Verdict is Ridiculous

  1. My first reaction is, why does this hate Trump so much?
    He is right about how ridiculous the circus trial verdict is.
    Leftists have made a mockery of the justice system.

  2. Crazy NYC courts.
    Suggestion: Since the smiling jackass judge in the other case claims MaraLago is only worth $18 million, maybe he can reevaluate the verdict payment based upon his magical valuation scale.

  3. Who’s mocking who, everyday he is mocking this that, project sum more.
    Anyone appealing a New York court’s ruling in a civil matter is required to purchase an appeal bond in an amount that is equal to—or in some cases more than—the amount of the judgment under appeal. Only court-ordered judgments, not negotiated settlements, can be appealed.

    If the appellate court rules against the defendant, the judgment becomes due immediately. On top of the original judgment, the defendant may also be liable for interest that has accrued since the original judgment was ordered, plus certain expenses and legal fees. The surety company will use the collateral for the bond to pay the judgment to the plaintiff. If there are funds left over after the damages are awarded to the plaintiff and any court costs have been paid, that sum is returned to the defendant.

  4. I grew up thinking judges were honorable people. Another myth destroyed by Trump. The Trump team, and that hot little lawyer of his, were not allowed to introduce ANY evidence to refute her bull shit claims. Like for instance Team Trump discovered the dress she claimed she was wearing when she was raped wasn’t manufactured until three years after the date she said the assault took place. This crazy cat lady has stated before, it’s every womans fantasy to get raped. I don’t know how that POS judge can even sleep at night. I hope Trump goes after him.

  5. “Who’s mocking who, everyday he is mocking this that, project sum more.”

    Then don’t vote for him asshole. Your description of how the moneys are managed I believe is true. But that doesn’t mean that fucked up judicial system there didn’t leave an avenue for recovery on a successful appeal. Right?

  6. And the little man wins, or in this case woman. Bout time flappin jaws got slapped down.
    Trash talkin way of life took a hit. To appeal this he’ll have to put up the judgment amount 83.3 million. Supreme Court rarely take up civil judgment awards, but who knows. Looks like the Supreme Court has a full-time job handling his bullshit appeals. Friday night Smack Down.
    But butt I have immunity to say & do whatever the fock I want. So far that is not the case.

  7. “So everyone admits he didn’t rape her” that has already been determined that he indeed sexually assaulted her in the prior $ 5 million dollar case.
    So that claim is false, plus another 25 other women acuse him of the same charges. Trump failed to appear in that case.

  8. ” that has already been determined that he indeed sexually assaulted her in the prior $ 5 million dollar case.”

    That’s total bull shit and you know it. Why are you here. Do you think you’re going to change our hearts and minds? You’re not and you know that too. So that leaves you just being a harassing dick. Why don’t you do everyone a favor and go join the crowd a Politico.


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