UN Members Participated in October 7th Terrorist Assault on Israel – IOTW Report

UN Members Participated in October 7th Terrorist Assault on Israel


Evidence has been shown to the Biden administration and the United Nations that 12 members of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) were actual participants in the October 7th Hamas terrorist attacks against Israel.

Yes, you read that correctly. The U.N. was an actual participant in the premeditated slaughter of Israeli citizens. More

16 Comments on UN Members Participated in October 7th Terrorist Assault on Israel

  1. Doctors Without Borders and every other goddamn one of the supposed humanitarian groups in Gaza were providing assistance. There are none of them that isn’t a front. Not a single goddamn one.

  2. We’ve known for a long time that UN “peacekeepers” have felt free to rape anything with a warm hole regardless of age. Killing Jews fits right in with their psychopathic violent mentality.

    Disgusted and repulsed? Yes, I am. Surprised? Not at all.

  3. Reason #3 I did not vote for. ‘The most liberal man in Congress for 50 years’ – Gore 1996 debate. Ronny submitted a 0 – zero, null, nada, – budget for taxpayer support of un 8 straight years! Dole stymied him each year. I said 30 years ago, and say again, had American taxpayers stoped paying UN bills it would have had to go to The Hague and been “League … 2”. Likely gone by now!

    Reson #1 i did not vote for Dole was CRT/Common Core. Ronny 8 years wanted to do away with “Dept ED”; dole stymied him every year.

    GWB would never have been able to jam CRT/Common Core – 1/8/02! down our throats were D.Ed gone! Ronny good GWB BAD!

  4. “12 members of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) were actual participants in the October 7th Hamas terrorist attacks against Israel.”

    I can believe it. So were actual members of the Associated Press, who knew about the attack in advance and who went in with the terror teams during the actual attack.

  5. Well keep in mind, the Libtard Communist Cock Suckers passed a bill dictating congressional approval before a President could pull out of the U.N. The GOP helped them. All of these people, both sides of the aisle need to go.

  6. Just wait until they are invited here to quell the “insurrection”. And Anonymous will be there to throw out rose petals welcoming the goose-stepping troops because Orange Man bad!

  7. ^^^ Eat my Rollin Coal exhaust pipe, princess. Mostly scenario it was MAGA types flying their false flag event. Who ever they were does not mean the whole organization was part of it. The UN was used as a conduit to hide their cover while they do the dirty deeds.

  8. Get the US out of the UN; Get the UN out of the US.

    Send the UN to the Hague or the EU where we could stop funding the Hague Convention and ignore the WHO and UN resolutions that threaten US sovereignty and Constitution.
    Stop funding the Hague and the UN; $BILLIONS in Savings for the US Nation that is riddled with crushing debt propping up international Elites, Cabals and dictators who are corrupt and threaten our Nation.

  9. Dat will never ever happen Lil TrumpO. Though Vlad, Xi & Lil Kim totally support your misguided feelings, they certainly would want them all disbanded & to raise holy livin hell on the whole world.


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