The Continuing Saga of the Left Bribing Voters With Your Tax Dollars – IOTW Report

The Continuing Saga of the Left Bribing Voters With Your Tax Dollars

Connecticut becomes first state to wipe medical debt for residents.


Connecticut‘s Democratic governor has revealed a drastic plan to wipe out medical debt for state residents – but has not yet revealed how intends to pay for erasing the $1billion bill. 

Governor Ned Lamont announced the plan Good Morning America today, unveiled a plan to partner with a nonprofit organization that buys medical debt and ‘eliminates’ it at a reduced cost. 

The move would help an estimated 250,000 residents and will be helped with a $6.5 million fund from the American Rescue Plan Act that sought to cancel medical debt, he said. 

‘This is not something they did because they were spending too much money, this is something because they got hit with a medical emergency. They should not have to suffer twice, first with the illness, then with the debt.

‘I think it’s really important that people have a sense that they can start building wealth of their own,’ he said. 


11 Comments on The Continuing Saga of the Left Bribing Voters With Your Tax Dollars

  1. Bankrupt the State.
    Disable medical care.
    Put millions of citizens at risk.

    Yep. A Demonrat plan, all right.
    Bend over, CT, you asked for it!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. If you don’t think that billion dollar contracts to “defense” contractors and other big business darlings of the “right” isn’t about vote-buying, you haven’t been paying attention. They both do EXACTLY the same thing, only for different friends.

  3. No more student loans, no more hospital bills. Great. I just wish they would hurry up and cancel my mortgage, my car payments, and my credit card debt, because I need to go shopping.

  4. From my experience the past 2+ years, we no longer have a “health care” system, we now have a “doctor & hospital enrichment” system. As long as they can make the payments on their Porsche/Tesla/whatever, they don’t care if we live or die.

    I am now possessed of a complete understanding of why old people get grumpy.

  5. A productive and wealthy state like CT can afford to do this. They had good weather and cheap energy and great markets for their abundant production of …
    wait, what?!

  6. Unintended Effects: How eager will that Doc be to see these patients the next time they get sick?
    But I have 0 sympathy for this last batch of “Docs”, that only push pills, and now shots.
    Doc ordered me to take “Repatha” for my high cholesterol. Like a moron I just go to pick it up, and wow, it’s $600 a month, not covered. The nice pharmacist warns me, “This is for the rest of your life”. Apparently you cannot ever stop taking this poison after starting.
    Note that the only professional that gave one $hit about me was the lowly Pharm lady.
    Research on duck-duck tells you high cholesterol is not the big deal after all. Especially for us on low carb diets.
    That is IT. Done with Docs. With no discussion with me, and obviously no concern with my actual health. Doc ordered me to pay $600 a month for ever and have terrible side effects.
    Go ahead CT, don’t pay those Med bills. Most folks will be better off.

  7. Inflation. Gov’t method to rob old peoples savings. In one’s youth one saves for rainy day. The gov’t makes money free to others. The savings at yesteryears value is now diluted and not worth as much. So, old people suffer without gov’t representation. What the hell the gov’t and the enriched (got free money) say, old folk need to die soon so I don’t have to hear them complain. Carter did it, just like good ole brandumb. Common denominator, both are demoncraps.

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