NYC Burning Through Taxpayer Money By Giving it to Illegals – IOTW Report

NYC Burning Through Taxpayer Money By Giving it to Illegals

Not only does the left not try, or want, people to get off welfare, they want to import instant welfare recipients. Many would question why they would want to do this?

What are your answers?

The answer cannot be “they want to ensure they retain power by bringing in votes.” Can it?

They have NYC locked up. They have for decades.


Mayor Eric Adams’ administration will soon start handing out pre-paid credit cards to migrant families being put up in Big Apple hotels, The Post has learned.

The $53 million pilot program, run by the New Jersey company Mobility Capital Finance, will provide asylum seekers arriving at the Roosevelt Hotel with the city cash to help them buy food, according to city records.

It’ll start with a group of 500 migrant families in short-term hotel stays and will replace the current food service offered there, according to City Hall.

The cards can only be used at bodegas, grocery stores, supermarkets and convenience stores — and migrants must sign an affidavit swearing they will only spend the funds on food and baby supplies or they will be kicked out of the program.

The Immediate Response Card initiative appears akin to the state’s food stamp program, dubbed SNAP, which provides lower-income New Yorkers with a credit card to cover the cost of meals, and will provide funds based on the same scale.


14 Comments on NYC Burning Through Taxpayer Money By Giving it to Illegals

  1. Where in the constitution does it say citizens have to give money to unknown people who walk into the US?? Asking for some friends who feel they are being robbed, and want to pack it up an go elsewhere.

  2. The black horse no longer dominates in the Progressive Intersectionality Derby, its glory days are behind it. The younger, fresher imported horse is what the Democrats and establishment Republicans are now riding. When you can no longer even run in the field, the Democrats and establishment Republicans aren’t going to retire you to live out your days on a farm, no it’s off to the dog food cannery for you. Nobody compelled you to volunteer to serve Satan, you made an economic calculation to throw in your lot with those who do not place any intrinsic value on the individual. Progressivism is Marxism and Marxism is a materialist worldview that is not only antithetical to the Christian world view, it is actively hostile and intolerant to it. Human beings have no intrinsic value, Marx made that clear. Human beings are to be viewed through a utilitarian lense and their only value is what they can be exploited for. Once they are used up, they are disposed of. It’s strictly an economic transaction. Your life is only worth anything to The Party so long as they can exploit it to satisfy their own desires.

  3. Keep on digging those holes. Reminds me of the movie HOLES. That image is what comes to mind when I think of our political hacks.

    Soon the terrain looses any strength and collapse is inevitable. Evacuate while you can. Another old movie foreseeing the future, ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK.

    And throw in IDIOCRACY.

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