Illegal Alien Jumps on Funeral Car & Laughs at Family of the Deceased – IOTW Report

Illegal Alien Jumps on Funeral Car & Laughs at Family of the Deceased

ht/ jd hasty

25 Comments on Illegal Alien Jumps on Funeral Car & Laughs at Family of the Deceased

  1. What do you expect from cultures who shoot each other at funerals and birthday parties? they invade this country because they are cowards who won’t fight against their own corrupt leaders. Detritus taking up space.

  2. When the Libs say its the reps fault today

    Don’t argue anymore
    That is playing into their hands
    They want you to now defend their actions
    Don’t fall for it

    Just give them the FINGER

  3. Pay attention (for clues) to how Fox News serves this at five

    If history repeats, Dana Perino ‘should’ amplify how to ‘fine tune’ the bill

    She will perhaps advise the dems to add additional language
    Which conservative points to undercut
    How to too

    Dualin Interests

  4. The only reason we aren’t seeing as much crime is that we have guns!
    Almost every household that has been in Maine for more than the past 4 yrs has guns.
    We have no permit concealed carry.
    I do not leave home without it.

  5. Cowards who won’t fight against their own corrupt leaders is spot on. As a country, we should be willing to house, temporarily, refugee women and children while the men stay behind to fight for their country. Once conditions improve, we’ll ship them their families back. No more taking in fighting-age men.

  6. Brad Tuesday, 6 February 2024, 13:43 at 1:43 pm

    The United States is no longer a civilized country. Get use to it, that’s the truth. You better learn how to respond accordingly.

    And how have we responded? Free shit is how we responded.

  7. This fuckin derp lost any remaining brain cells a long long time ago! Meanwhile claims of total Presidential by da Dump shot down like a 3 dollar bill. Please, please keep the insurrection up, all of America wants this M-fer brought to justice, sit back, eat your popcorn & enjoy the shoe, a really big shoe. Takin bets on who tinks he’ll be on any state ballots? You lose & America’s 14th amendment 3rd clause wins !!! Told you so!!! But orange juice from an orangeman always tastes great & slides righty tighty down your throats, more ons.

  8. I had a CC permit in Michigan but never carried. I don’t need a permit in FL and am thinking that I really need to start carrying.

    I look every morning at the number of arrests in my county from the day prior. It’s rarely lower than 15 and is oftentimes over 35. Mostly no drivers licenses and drug arrests. Maybe 10% are crimes of a violent nature. Lots of bad ass lookin’ mofo’s with tattooed necks.

  9. It’s impossible to get a CC permit in New York. I’m thinking maybe I need to start carrying anyway. I have a metal baton under the seat in my car, probably not enough these days.

  10. Brad Tuesday, 6 February 2024, 14:24 at 2:24 pm

    ^^^^ You wouldn’t understand.

    Says the guy who has to worry about his grandchildren being killed by one of them….. or raped. I have zero grandchildren. My children saw the handwriting on the wall.

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