Anyone Interested in Watching a Train Wreck? – IOTW Report

Anyone Interested in Watching a Train Wreck?

22 Comments on Anyone Interested in Watching a Train Wreck?

  1. Joe Stupid has all the resources and legal powers to treat the border just as Trump did. What the criminal left wants out of this bill is the billions for Ukraine and it’s attendant kickbacks to democrats.

  2. He’s not the legitimate CiC.

    At least look into his inauguration; where it was, how many cannons were fired and in what sequence, and the weather.

    Then look into Trumps executive orders.

    Biden has a purpose, and it isn’t what most people think it is.

  3. I can hardly watch this asshole, but he is the (illegitimate) president of the United States of America! For the love of God, Joe – take off that damned Ukraine pin!

  4. Grampa Kiddy-Sniffer wasn’t feeling too well after that trainwreck, so he toddled offstage to consult a psychic about the date of his death.
    Closing her eyes, consulting her glass globe, silently reaching into the realm of the future, she found the answer:
    “You will die on a Jewish holiday.”
    “Which one?” Shitpantz asks…
    “It doesn’t matter,” replied the psychic. “Whenever you die, it’ll be a Jewish holiday.”

  5. No more judges or border personnel would be needed if the border were closed – no more illegals, no more need to ‘talk’ with them or ask them to show up in court.

    Convenient fact to be left out.

    FJB FMayorkass

  6. The little bitches cry bigly time how cute, oh such pretty lil babies, how precious you aren’t! CT Ginger “B” suck on my big infected toe CUNT, fuck off whore!
    Trump, but butt my butts infected with HIV, well u have immpunity lil gay one & everyting will be just fine when you end up behind bars & fucked in the ass by a bigly black Bubba.

  7. @Irate Nate, one who lives for a good ole ass-focking, I could hardly watch, as so many are drawn to the sight of a bad train wreck, someone willingly wanting a prolapsed anus is truly perplexing, different strokes for gay folks, hey!

  8. I don’t know fer sure but I think this disgusting Anon creep wants to drive all conservatives on this site away. I get repulsed by his/her poorly spelled and punctuated evil ramblings. I scroll past them as fast as my 74 year old arthritic fingers can fly. They are the most vitriolic posts and often more than one or two in a thread. I just want to make it go away. Go away IT!


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