Ronna McDaniel Denies Reports She Has Agreed to Step Down as RNC Chairwoman – IOTW Report

Ronna McDaniel Denies Reports She Has Agreed to Step Down as RNC Chairwoman

Sends Desperate Email to Members

 Nothing has changed and there will not be any changes decided on until after south Carolina, when we may have our eventual nominee.”

21 Comments on Ronna McDaniel Denies Reports She Has Agreed to Step Down as RNC Chairwoman

  1. It does appear to be a common problem in the upper tier levels of the Chambers and Commerces folks. Lack of perception I mean.

    They don’t seem to understand Mitch is out too.

  2. It’s like the end of WW2, and the GOPe is like Hitler and his crew in the bunker. I’m looking forward to McConnell, Ronna Romney and a few other rats to take poison and join other rats in hell.

  3. She’s trash at best. At worst, she’s a corrupt motherfucker who spent the GOP treasure chest into oblivion – on HERSELF. Here’s what her cocksucker uncle Mittens has to say about her:

    Sen. Mitt Romney said he has “nothing but love and affection for my niece,” as Ronna McDaniel prepares to step aside from her post atop the Republican National Committee. “She’s done her best to help elect Republicans and done her job,” Romney (R-Utah) said Wednesday in a brief interview. He added “she’s been there eight years, which is almost a record” amid reports she plans to step down from her post leading the RNC sometime this spring. Romney, of course, is the only Senate Republican who voted to convict former President Donald Trump at both of his impeachment trials.

  4. Ronna is the perfect chairwoman for the GOPe – a liar, a thief, and a traitor – just like most of the GOPe.

    The RINOs love being back-benchers – they can bitch, complain, raise money, and do nothing of substance – crying and pointing (and stuffing their bank accounts) while America goes down the shit-chute.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. At her trial, her defense will be that she was just following orders.

    Just kidding, there won’t be any trial. Not kidding though, about her just following orders.

    Her replacement will be cut from the same cloth as Speaker Johnson.

    It’s a big club and we’re not in it but the good news is that they still fear us. But the bad news is that we’re going to let the opportunity their fear provides us evaporate thinking that we can actually vote ourselves out of what’s coming.

    One man and the 5, maybe 10 patriots in DC might be able to postpone what’s coming. But only if that one man is allowed to reclaim the office he once held. Remember that it’s not who votes that counts, it’s who counts the votes.

    Oh, and grassy knolls don’t just exist in Texas.

  6. PDJT has isolated the RNC, he knows what a pit of secret Demonrats they are. They are effectively broke, and Rino Romney will have to step aside soon after it becomes clear that PDJT will replace her.

    Currently her lefty pinko satanic allies are propping her up to defy PDJT but just like their vain hopes for Nikki she will be undone…


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