What Are They Waiting For? – IOTW Report

What Are They Waiting For?

The Federalist

There are now at least three major reasons to impeach President Joe Biden: his corruption, his mental unfitness for office, and his criminal collusion with Mexico to foment the border crisis. Republicans in Congress could take their pick and be on solid footing, but they probably won’t pursue any of them. More

Bonus: Mark Levin goes through the particulars in the special counsel report. Watch

22 Comments on What Are They Waiting For?

  1. Skipping the first major reason, which is because they impeached Trump – twice – just because they could. A GOP with a spine would have impeached Joe on Day 1 of their majority, for the simple reason that Team Pelosi did it as soon as they got the majority.

  2. The House is up for reelection, as well as the presidency.
    The GOP members will be using corrupt, demented Joe and his failures in their campaign commercials (which are already purchased and produced).
    Historically, every step will be taken to ensure their individual elections, first and foremost.
    Not withstanding the fact that the GOP leadership and the majority of the RINOs who support them are cowards (see continuing resolutions). Self interest prevails.

  3. No impeachment will, or should, happen in a Presidential election year. It’s bad politics, and it’s too late in the game, anyway. Old Yeller is going to be put down by his own people, probably in a way that is shocking, even to the party faithful.

    The GOP needs to be preparing for the naked power play which sets up the coup, and the massive election fraud which will follow, instead of wasting tome and thought on pointless parliamentary parlor games.

    I doubt that the establishment has the wherewithal, the will or the foresight to do any of this, so it’s on us to do anything useful, so it’s on us to be prepared for the worst as the country sleepwalks into tyranny.

  4. Has everyone has gone ‘peachment crazy? If we think Biden will be removed from office, we are fooling ourselves. Hell, they couldn’t even get the votes to impeach Mayorkas. Do we really think they could possibly succeed with Biden, given the GOP’s miniscule majority and the disturbing number of Uniparty members in Congress? There are roughly nine months until the presidential election, and everyone knows Biden is toast. What possible good would it do if the House were to waste their time with impeachment hearings – a sternly-worded letter in his permanent record? Just like Clinton, and Trump (twice), the Senate will never move to convict, so Biden will remain in office until he “resigns”. My guess would be sometime around September, when most likely Newsom will be selected as a remedy for the “sudden emergency”. We need to focus on problems we can actually solve – like preventing funding for endless wars – and not waste the time, effort, and money on pointless theatrics.

  5. Nate – Interesting that you bring up Clinton. Bubba wasn’t convicted of a set crime (as the Media would have us believe) he was convicted impeached and disbarred for LYING!
    If Jackass Joe has done anything at all it’s been to LIE about everything every time he opens his mouth!!

  6. beachmom Tuesday, 13 February 2024, 8:07 at 8:07 am

    They’re either cowards or someone has big dirt on them.
    Or both.

    They don’t know what to do with Kamal-toe. They gotta find dirt on her too.

  7. Joe is bring the dem party down. Lets not give the D’s something to rally around now, terrible optics to be picking on an old man. The press will have a field day with us and are just waiting for that. Now is not the time to interfere in the democrats self implosion.
    I know folks that hate Trump and say they will never vote for him but can’t bring themselves to vote for Biden. If they replace him it will give them a candidate to vote for regardless of whom it is. Could be big mike, gretchen whitmer, newsome or even pete butigige. I’d much rather they just stayed home and didn’t vote as would happen if it was Biden.

  8. Impeachment? He should immediately be charged with hundreds of counts of TREASON and millions Of counts of CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY…along with those who are pulling his puppet strings.

  9. I’ve noticed numerous people who moved to DC who have radically changed their deeply-held beliefs. It was just jokingly chalked up to bad air there, but I’m thinking it’s more likely extortion by the FBI being used against them.

  10. Why?

    Because we can get them six ways to Sunday, and they know it.

    So let’s talk about your taxes. It will be a brief audit, but we’re going to have the banks freeze your accounts until its done. Should be complete by December.

    And you’ve been writing sonme subversive things lately. Planning an insurrection? Or maybe just defaming some of our more popular clients. We know some lawyers that may be intetested.

    And we see where you have a gun. Your home may not be a good environment for your children, we may have to remove them for a time while we investigate, put the with some people to make sure you aren’t denying their gender.

    We’re going to have to look at your electronic devices too. there may be some child porn on them. Remember, if we tell our courts we “found” child porn on them, they are inclined to accept that as fact.

    Also, we have some friends in various communities under activist banners thar may be interested in your address, where you work, what schools your children go to, and when your wife is home alone.

    While our police are busy elsewhere.

    Speaking of our police, we’re sure you are an exemplary driver, but we may ask them to verify that because the data we got from your car manufacturer on your trips shows you may sometimes not be as careful as you should. They will be watching your license number very carefully and will stop and remind you if they see an issue.

    We will also have agents talking to your friends, your neighbors, your co-workers, your doctors, and any businesses you may be related to about you, just to be sure there’s no issue. I’m sure they will be most understanding.

    You may want to avoid school board meetings for now. They were most concerned when we said we were investigating you, and indicated they may not welcome you on their premises. We will have men standing by to ensure you honor that request.

    While we were talking to your doctor, he found that there was a report on you having an STD he had not included in your file. He says he may be mistaken, but we are helping him look into it at this time. Bear in mind that if we find it SHOULD be included, he is required to report it to your local health board and anyone you may have had intimate contact with, including your wife.

    Let’s hope we find him wrong.

    But by all means, keep looking into these matters featuring prominent protectees of ours.

    We feel confident you will make the right decisions before going public, now that you know that going public may well be a two-way street.

  11. I would like to use this solo opporunity to make a request
    Jon Stewart didn’t show up to save Biden
    He’s insurance for the Trump YEARS
    THEY have to maintain a pretense about that
    THEY know Joe is in deep-deep-state blues
    And Jon checks the Jew Box too

    Win Win for THEM
    In THEIR eyes
    Not mine

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