Biden Left His Mark on Folders of Classified Materials – IOTW Report

Biden Left His Mark on Folders of Classified Materials

Red State

But one of the worst things for Biden and funniest at the same time is how the second folder in a box with marked classified documents had Joe Biden’s distinctive misspelling of Afghanistan, “Afganastan.” 

Now this is the guy that claims to be the foreign policy expert? Oh, my gosh. 

On top of that, the fact that the folder is in the box with the classified documents tends to show that he had a connection to that folder, and it ties him to the documents and the box.  He admitted it probably was his writing because of the spelling. More

18 Comments on Biden Left His Mark on Folders of Classified Materials

  1. Different Tim, the first “black” retarded woman president.

    God, please have mercy on us and have the Demoncrats get rid of Kacala at the same time they get rid of Biden.

    Of course, I’d rather have Biden as their candidate, but we’ll see.

  2. And to all readers please forgive me for using the word “retarded” as I really do not like the word but with Joe I can’t help myself.
    Just a heads up that if it becomes Kamala taking his place I’ll probably start using the C word which I also try not to use.

  3. Imagine the marks the old fool leaves on his underwear.
    If you don’t believe me ask the Pope. (makes me wonder if when he was introduced to the Pope he misheard what they said)

  4. @Different Tim

    There’s absolutely nothing wrong with the word retarded. Putting any weight into a slang definition of any word is what has led us into this quagmire of political correctness we find ourselves in. It’s just a word.

    Before he died, my father would refer to himself as a fucking cripple. Wanna know why? Because he was a fucking cripple. Eat up with ankylosing spondilitis, amongst other things. Sure, it’s prolly a good practice to read the room before using some language, but nobody’s perfect.

    No worries from this redneck, Tim. 👍

  5. How could the stuff NOT have a connection to him? It’s piled up in the floor of HIS garage, behind HIS car. And It’ all from the time when HE was V.P.
    I ain’t no freekin’ lawyer, but that looks like a pretty stout case for probable cause to me. So… they’ll try to say that Trump stole the stuff out of the national archives and personally broke into biden’s garrage and dumped it in the floor.


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