Easy Bake Ovens – IOTW Report

Easy Bake Ovens

32 Comments on Easy Bake Ovens

  1. Had the two pump hydrodynamic set with the string of 3 lights.
    Paired with the Girder and Panel set with my HO train I was had the most advance still and distribution system in the neighborhood.

  2. I had a Incredible Edibles machine which used a edible plastic goop you could eat.
    It was crap but luckily worked with Creepy Crawlers goop so I was still able to get use from it.

  3. I had the incredible edibles machine which I used to make smoke bombs upstairs in my bedroom. I’m just damn lucky that I didn’t burn the house down when it went off and filled my bedroom with smoke. It was also the last time that my dad paddled my ass for being so damn stupid, I was about 14 at the time. How my 3 brothers and I survived all of our stupidity and being very inquisitive boys with our many experiments with dangerous chemicals and such back then was totally the grace of God. I had the creepy crawlers machine also.

  4. I had 2 great toys growing up. Creepy Crawlers by Mattel and the Atomic Energy Lab by AC Gilbert. If parents feared a simple Easy Bake Oven, they would have stroked out with the radioactive cloud chamber and active sources. The other toy was the game Operation. We hooked it up to an old lamp for that extra shock value.

  5. And lots of trips to the emergency room and more cuts and bruises, broken legs etc. than we could shake a stick at. It was back when parents didn’t sue the hospitals and others when their kids got hurt. A friend and I ended up in the ER after running into a tree while sledding downhill at Manito Park on Spokane’s S. hill while trying not to run over some other kids who were in our way. It was part of growing up back then and for most of us it was no big deal.

  6. 60 years plus is a very successful run for any product, let a lone a toy that continued to sell generation after generation.

    I’d hate to see what Klaus Schwab would do to this beloved product if the WEF ever got a hold of it.

  7. I had the original turquoise model. It didn’t hold my interest long though, as my mom and granny could actually bake without mixes, and produce full size cakes so I apprenticed in their really bake kitchens.

    Meanwhile, my brother got the erector set, the chemistry set, and every electric kit and gizmo and all our scientist uncle’s leftovers.

    My brother was expelled from boarding school at 14 for blowing up the electrical system in one of the buildings. I was proud of him; I only managed to get kicked out of girl scouts, but only after I earned the baker’s badge.

  8. Annie, my bro blew a school crapper off the wall with a cherry bomb, late 60’s. His timing was slightly off, he had successfully flushed a few that detonated downline, but that one didn’t make it out of the bowl in time.

  9. My brother and I, when we were little assholes, made pretty bad shit out of household shit. Even as bigger assholes we made some pretty bad shit.

    One time we pounded a mic stand into a stump with the thought that it would be a heck of a flare. We filled it with fffg pyrodex and set it off with flaming wd-40. It wasn’t a flare. It was a bomb.

    Another time Phil (not my brother, but a brother from a different mother) filled a fugging 55 gallon trash bag with oxyacetylene. I mean about 1/5th full. My brother, my real brother said, “Moar!”

    Phil looked back at him. “Are you sure?” Except it wasn’t a joke or playing dumb.

    Bro said, “MORE!”

    Phil got it about half full and my brother set it off with a flaming twig.

    Fuck’s sake!

    Broken windows, cops. It was all fucked up.

  10. @eric neer
    Me and the pack were prowling the streets on foot
    Came across a construction site at around 11PM
    Found that can of starter fluid
    Flamed it
    Found a box on the dozer with a button
    Pushed it

    The damn thing fired right up and idled
    Couldn’t figure out how to turn it off
    So we exited quickly
    It was still idling

    Very sorry about that now Mr. Dozer owner

  11. My boys and their friends played army when they were kids.
    Made bombs by dropping balled up tin foil into a jug of The Works, a toilet bowl cleaner.
    Until they changed the formula.

  12. That’s basically the same formula as mixing lye/drain cleaner and aluminum foil and putting it into small plastic bottles and capping it and making small bombs. My brother used it blow the lids off all the garbage cans up and down our alley. And the thing is that these were all items that we could buy over the counter at our local Rexall pharmacy without any questions asked.

  13. Punk Kids
    WEDNESDAY, 14 FEBRUARY 2024, 0:07 AT 12:07 AM

    “Found a box on the dozer with a button
    Pushed it

    The damn thing fired right up and idled
    Couldn’t figure out how to turn it off
    So we exited quickly
    It was still idling

    Very sorry about that now Mr. Dozer owner”

    …we had a guy once who was operating his dozer on a hillside and somehow dumped a ton of dirt and rocks back on himself in his open cab. He, the entire front of the dozer, and his controls were mostly buried but it was still running, with the vibrations threatening to bring down MORE of the hillside that he was still in contact with. He was knocked out so we couldn’t ask him, and we weren’t going to get to the controls without digging anyway, so we needed an alternate plan. No one knew too much about bulldozer diesel engines but it wasn’t like you could pull a coil wire off, and we didn’t want to disconnect a fuel line and up our hazard game, so someone came up with the idea of discharging a fire extinguisher into the intake.

    Worked like a charm.

    …probably not great for the engine since some of the extinguisher chemicals eat metal, but the guy didn’t die and we didn’t get anyone injured, so two out of three ain’t bad…


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