What Would Happen If Earth Suddenly Stopped Spinning? – IOTW Report

What Would Happen If Earth Suddenly Stopped Spinning?

36 Comments on What Would Happen If Earth Suddenly Stopped Spinning?

  1. Anyone at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station would NOT be OK. They are totally dependent on people farther north for all supplies. Those people farther north would be otherwise occupied, busy decomposing. A short time later, the Antarctic researchers would be occupied by either or both freezing and starving.

    Those of us who had gone to the moon to avoid all that hassle would have great front row seats for the most humongous mega-train wreck EVAH. (But we’d likely get kinda hungry, too.)

  2. For people that like train wrecks, this would be the ultimate. Also people could stop worrying about climate change and actually experience it. It may be even worse than they predicted!

  3. We’re travelling roughly 1100 mph to the east at the equator (lessening to 0 mph at the poles sort of relative to the cosine of the angle your position is off the equator).
    If the Earth stopped spinning, everything that wasn’t the Earth would take off at roughly 1100 mph at the equator and at lesser speeds the further you are from the equator.

    Probably be a bad day.
    But, hey! If the Earth stopped rotating (suddenly) the forces would probably rip the Earth into so much debris, that we wouldn’t much GAF – seeing as the Earth isn’t a solid ball, but a sort of amorphous mass of crust, water, mantle, core, &c.
    In this scenario, would it all stop at once? or what?
    The crust stop – or the mantle stop – or the core stop?

    Don’t really want to go down that rabbit hole.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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