Young Black Girl Leaves Democrat Plantation – Says She Didn’t Realize She was Supporting Demonic Behavior – IOTW Report

Young Black Girl Leaves Democrat Plantation – Says She Didn’t Realize She was Supporting Demonic Behavior

16 Comments on Young Black Girl Leaves Democrat Plantation – Says She Didn’t Realize She was Supporting Demonic Behavior

  1. You bet your ass it’s Satanic. Something I have not been afraid to come right out and say. If more people did so, we would see many more people question what they have been being indoctrinated to support.

  2. Group pressure supersedes critical thinking. I know this first hand with my in-laws. It will take the “leader” of the group to wake up. If not, they will lie to themselves like Nathan Wade.

  3. She stepped up to the plate and hit it outta the park with that!
    MLK said people should not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. That lady has Character!

  4. Hmm, I might follow her on Instagram. I’ll need to check. But if she’s who I think she is she commented on one of those posts of Captain Bran Dead telling everyone how great thing are, and here’s what she posted.

    “I want to live in the America Joe thinks we live in”



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